Elle King – Jersey Giant (Audio)

¡»Jersey Giant» ya está disponible! Escuchar en: Apple Music: iTunes: Spotify: Amazon Music: YouTube Music: Pandora: Seguir a Elle:

#ElleKing #JerseyGiant

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49 pensamientos sobre “Elle King – Jersey Giant (Audio)

  1. Dude I never thought I'd ever say a cover was better than the original especially a Childers original but baby, Elle puts that raspy voice old country feel to it. I absolutely adore this and her!

  2. Elle King is a great artist, but I honestly feel that she did this song a bit of a disservice, it’s just a bit too overproduced. It’s still a great song, but it loses its charm that Tyler Childers acoustic version had.

  3. Maybe this gets some more folks to listen to Tyler Childers maybe even some airplay?? IMO, It's criminal he, and many others, aren't on the radio and so much trash is.

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