9 Peleas épicas de Angelina vs. JWoww ? Clasificado: Costa de New Jersey

Ha habido innumerables reventones en la casa de ‘Jersey Shore’, pero ¿dos de los más propensos a pelear? JWoww y Angelina, duh. Desde «quédate y haz que te golpeen el culo» hasta amenazarse mutuamente con botellas de vino en ‘Vacaciones familiares’, a estos dos les encanta lanzarse. #JerseyShore #MTV Suscríbete a Jersey Shore: todos tus momentos favoritos con Snooki, JWoww, Deena, Vinny, DJ Pauly D, Ronnie y The Situation. Además, nuevas series originales como «Cooking in the Crib with Snooki & Joey» y «Moms with Attitude». ¡SIGUE a la costa de Jersey! Instagram-Facebook-

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34 pensamientos sobre “9 Peleas épicas de Angelina vs. JWoww ? Clasificado: Costa de New Jersey

  1. I haven't watched this show in over a decade but did Angelina think that the cameras didn't see her flirting and twerking on 24? ????TF? They were both out of line ?

  2. It must be embarrassing to be this old and still acting this way and to be constantly screaming and fighting for years and years. this is honestly pathetic to watch. but like—-so entertaining at the same time…its like…wow… i cant believe someone really acts like this in reality

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