Is Jersey Ready To Be A BIG BOY?

It’s time for Jersey to become a big boy. If you ask him (and we did), he says that he is a big boy. Nonetheless, it’s time Jersey shows his big boy cards…we believe in him! He’s doing wonderful as a toddler but there are a couple things we need to work on to help him grow into a «big little boy». Let’s go!

You might like THIS video too: «POTTY TRAINING JERSEY!»

Jersey Instagram: @jerseytayomcclure/
Justin Instagram: @jkmcclure
Twins Instagram: @mccluretwins
Ami Instagram: @just_aminat
FACEBOOK: McClureTwins Family

#bigboy #playtimewithjersey #mcclurefamily

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36 pensamientos sobre “Is Jersey Ready To Be A BIG BOY?

  1. What we did for our siblings:
    anytime they squat we quickly bring the potty and make them sit on it and continue their business,after a while they hated being interrupted and eventually learned to use it. In fact they pick it up themselves and use. Oh well, in Nigeria(my fathers house) we are not this lenient with them so they learnt early. (No one likes a cold water wash or even get shouted at from my dad) before they were a year old, they were all potty trained.
    Problem solved

  2. We live in a one level apt. Make the potty accessible on the first floor level of the house as well as his bed room bathroom. Don't complicate getting to the potty, Climbing stars. Make it easy simplify getting to the potty. 1# To accomplish the goal of wanting Jersey to use and like to use the potty first. Then 2# getting to the potty will follow. After in the morning when you get up take Jersey, after breakfast, lunch, dinner potty time. When either of you go take him with you. Show him you sit on the big potty. Have his little one in each bathroom. Then as he progresses transition him to the grown up potty. Like I shared my son had the musical potty little prince's throne. He got a ?da dda da?every time he successfully used the potty. It was a seat that transitioned on top of the big toilet seat and the base became the step to the big toilet. I'm just seeing this, Maybe Jerseys got it now. Congratulations! And I'm too late. If so disregard all I shared. Blessings.

  3. If yall see him squatting and you know he's pooping you just dont look at him pick him up and take him to that toilet and he is going to get more confused cause he got a diaper on hell if he got a diaper on he supposed to piss and shit in there take that damn diaper off of him and put him on some underwear

  4. That is the training Potty I got my son. It worked. His dad also let him see him use the toilet sometimes. So one day he pulled Pamper off Sat on his toilet just like daddy. From then on he wanted underwear like daddy. ??

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