Jersey Shore Was Scripted?

#shorts #jerseyshore #paulyd #snooki

It’s not every day Pauly D is out here sharing secrets about the truth behind Jersey Shore, It’s funny how Snooki is still being brought up in 2022 podcasts and shows how popular this show really was. Awesome to see Pauly leverage his career into a very successful DJ business.

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47 pensamientos sobre “Jersey Shore Was Scripted?

  1. All reality shows are staged. Reactions are real but production stirs up drama by manipulating situations. And they have no choice but to argue & fuss about things because they wont get paid if they dont have any interesting footage to show.

    Some reality stars even say if the drama is off camera they have to basically reenact it for the show to keep the storyline going.

  2. he came to my literal neighborhood last year and i had my boyfriend over so i couldn’t go down to see him cus he was jealous IM SO MAD LMFAO

  3. It’s not scripted but when they say I heard you were talking shit, it’s cause a producer or director said something to them so when they confront them they can get perfect footage!!

  4. Man someone was always trying to fuck or fight snooki…looooved that show when it came out. So good. One of the few shows on mtv without pregnant chicks.

  5. Damn hes aging like cheese. See kids, its about looking healthy not looking trendy, he spent years in tanning salons under unnatural lights that ruined his skin along with the heavy drinking (and other party activities and even not sleeping ? during the night, ur bodies natural clock) smoke ?. But hey- at least his hair is still rock solid

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