Don't Wash My Hair!

2-year old Jersey does not want his hair washed. It’s a struggle but has to get done.

You might like THIS video too: «Boys’ Man Bun Hair Tutorial»

Jersey Instagram: @jerseytayomcclure/
Justin Instagram: @jkmcclure
Twins Instagram: @mccluretwins
Ami Instagram: @just_aminat
FACEBOOK: McClureTwins Family

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38 pensamientos sobre “Don't Wash My Hair!

  1. If deep bath tub next time you bath him lay on us back and swish his head around gently like washing it in the tub try or use a rinse cup like a water faucet if not tender headed try Luke warm water and mabby a shampoo brush and aussie makes curl shampoo and conditioner for kids my triplets are the same way

  2. I have autism which makes my hair very sensitive washing my hair is very painful. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t like his hair washed. Not saying he has autism just maybe his hair is sensitive.

  3. Today was our first time with no drama. I used a chair and pillows and set her head back like at the salon. It took some convincing and a lot of calm talking through it. Just like when you go to the dentist is the only thing I could relate to. The sound and fear of the unknown. I definitely feel you.

  4. From birth I introduce my son to water in the face. .. I have historically seen a child like Jersey become come upset. Create a game, maybe in the tub. With Johnson & Johnson No Tears. You could even find a squirt toy to enable him to do it himself.

  5. When he starts to cry ask him what is bothering him. Maybe you could do something where you take a jar and for every time you wash his hair he gets a quarter and once he gets to a dollar or two he gets a special treat or prize. That could encourage him that washing his hair is fun

  6. I relate to this too much, not that I’m scared of my mom washing my hair. I’m scared of washing my hair myself and it’s because every time I say I’m finally gonna wash my hair myself, I think that the water is gonna get on my face and I end up panicking.

  7. I literally wanna start crying too sometimes my daughter jerks her head and I get worried of my neighbors misunderstanding but sometimes I hurt my back even just taking my time with her and it takes forever ?I keep looking for ways too but damn it’s a struggle

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