Programa de juegos de Nueva Jersey – Saturday Night Live

Suscríbete a SaturdayNightLive: Programas de juegos: TEMPORADA 33: Tres nativos de Nueva Jersey compiten en ¡Ohhhhh!, el único programa de juegos que es todo sobre Nueva Jersey. Emitido el 13/10/07 Suscríbete a SNL: Obtén más SNL: Episodios completos: Me gusta SNL: Sigue SNL:

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45 pensamientos sobre “Programa de juegos de Nueva Jersey – Saturday Night Live

  1. when historians write textbooks about American culture in the future, New Jersey will have its own section, and scholars will probably use the sopranos to reconstruct what life in New Jersey would have been like for the upper middle class

  2. The long segue into the prostitute question and lack of reaction time only to be exceeded immediately by their quick response to homosexuality was hilarious.. If you watch that clip from the start of the 1st question to the 2nd it never gets old…

  3. You see the most beautiful prostitute you've ever seen at the entrance of the Holland tunnel? Then maybe you should take that $100 dollar bill to the ophthalmologist and get your eyes checked OHHHHHH!

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