La máquina de intercambio de camisetas se vuelve loca después de la temporada baja de 2022 | Draft especial de Gridiron Heights

Demasiados jugadores cambiaron de equipo (excepto Baker), y Gridiron Heights es un caos absoluto ? NUEVO PROYECTO ESPECIAL Suscríbete: Síguenos en IG: Síguenos en Twitter:

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42 pensamientos sobre “La máquina de intercambio de camisetas se vuelve loca después de la temporada baja de 2022 | Draft especial de Gridiron Heights

  1. You can always count on Adam schefter to tell whatever lie you need to feed the public. Like when he reported over and over again that the fatal accident with the raiders wr involved a Toyota rav4 when the car was obviously a Prius. But it can't be revealed that to potential electric cars buyers that the batteries could be dangerous for crashes…… even if that could save someone life. No respect left for Adam…..none.

  2. Mayfield>Watson any day of the week. We got better weapons and Baker just finished shoulder surgery. So as long as Deshaun gets the fuck out of the factory, then we're good to go. Browns better apologize to Mayfield and treat him better. He has a strong arm after all. Please remain the starter, Baker.

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