Nuevo proyecto de ley tiene como objetivo desalentar el cambio de casa en Nueva Jersey

Es un título de vivienda que nadie quiere: Nueva Jersey a menudo tiene una de las tasas de ejecución hipotecaria más altas del país. Un nuevo proyecto de ley ayudaría a las familias a conservar sus hogares. Christina Fan de CBS2 explica cómo la legislación desalienta el cambio de casa.

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33 pensamientos sobre “Nuevo proyecto de ley tiene como objetivo desalentar el cambio de casa en Nueva Jersey

  1. this is not going to help anyone, we help people get out of there problem. the people that don't pay never will pay and eventually the bank takes it….

  2. This democrat government program will encourage people to default on their mortgages. The only people that will lose out are the working suburban people who will have to foot the bill with higher taxes while the urban dwelling leeches live stress free. Wait til the 87,000 armed IRS agents start knocking on your door for even more money. The new face of Joe Bidens America.

  3. What a joke! Th politicians are the problem, especially in the urban towns.
    So now they want to lower down payment, give people longer to pay when they’re already behind then what? How much more rope.
    How about the political hacks cut the fat in government jobs and lower taxes instead of hiring friends for favors.
    No way this passes!

  4. Typical of DemoRat posing. This bill does nothing to keep people in their home. If the person is far enough behind on their mortgage go for through forfeiture what difference is two months going to make? This is just more DemoRat authoritarian led government intrusion. Stop being low information puppets people! Research and learn what is really behind these laws.

  5. What a joke. FLIPPERS are not the issue. At the point that an investor would be able to purchase a home to flip, the homeowner has defaulted on their mortgage, the BANK forecloses not investors. MAYBE if NJ did not have the highest Real Estate taxes in the country, homeowners would not so easily be put in the position to lose their home to begin with.

  6. Yo, this is how they DO it, though! ??? Big corporations can make a LOT of money REALLY quickly by flippin' properties (not burgers). Who CARES who lives there, lol! ??? Mo' munneh is mo' MUNNEH!!

    If ya can't pay, ya can't stay. If you're not an owner, pro tip: YER A *SLAVE*, beotchezzz…

  7. have these people lost their minds. A house flipper sells the house to someone that wants to live in the neighborhood and yes they make a profit. the flipper only takes over after the owner sells or loses the house. of course nobody wants someone thrown out but this does happen. the flipper is not the enemy the flipper many times increases the value of the property that in turn brings in more property taxes that everyone benefits from. would it be better to abandon the house strip it of valuables bust out all the windows tear off the doors and let it rot away. come to Detroit check out the rotting neighbors flippers are a welcomed sight.

  8. Not only there is housing crisis. There is driver living n earning crisis too. Because of UBER/Lyft. Which reduce driver income 80% . And the rest gas prices takes it. Gov Murphy really needs to wakeup and help thousands of drivers and their families. Example $250 job turned into $100 and uber/lyft taking 50% commission just to connect 2 phones. And driver get $50 minus gas its like $40 bucks. How drivers suppose to survive ?. Thank you

  9. ❝People who complain about the “prohibitive” cost of housing, or of going to college, for example, fail to understand that the whole point of costs is to be prohibitive. […] The idea [that “basic necessities” should be a “right”] certainly sounds nice. But, the very fact that we can seriously entertain such a notion—as if we were God on the first day of creation, instead of mortals constrained by the universe we find in place—shows the utter unreality of failing to understand that we can only make choices among alternatives actually available.

    ❝[…] Trade-offs [as opposed to solutions] remain inescapable, whether they are made through a market or through politics. The difference is that price tags present all the trade-offs simultaneously, while political “affordability” policies arbitrarily fix on whatever is hot at the moment. That is why cities have been financing all kinds of boondoggles for years, while their bridges rusted & the roadways crumbled.❞

    〜 Thomas Sowell

  10. It's a matter of time before people get fed up and decide to stay in their homes and go out with a bang before being homeless. It's sad but when blood is spilled to show the violence behind hoarding property backed by state thugs will show the system for what it is

  11. Think the high rate of foreclosures in New Jersey might have something to do with the fact that New Jersey is the THIRD highest ranked state for property taxes? Property taxes in New Jersey are through the roof but you're NOT going to see these folks do SHIT about it!

  12. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


    We are fortunate, that YouTube is so patriotic and so pro-American. Pro-freedom. Pro-democracy. And pro-everything, which is good and noble.

    Not only that they make sure that only "accurate" views are presented and made easily accessible, but look at their emoji! You will find all kinds of stuff, along with transgenderism, gender identity, gender confusion and gender delusion, as well as everything especially designed to shape character and personality of our youngest members of our society! To make sure that they, our hope and the future of our beloved country, will become strong, righteous, balanced, and, especially, patriotic individuals. But try to find US Flag, US Eagle, even US map or anything of the kind! In fact, why it should be there? Creepy Uncle Joe does not need it! Nancy, that spineless master of disaster, does not need it! Crooked Hillary does not need it! And, hey, president Xi Jinping does not need it either!


    If anyone has noticed, that I posted the same remarks earlier, with only minor changes, I would like to explain, that my comments are sometimes, "accidently" of course, removed shortly after I post them. Therefore, when I notice it, I post my remarks again, changing just a few words, to make it hopefully more difficult to remove them again. For the same reason, considering occasionally fast turnover of appearing and disappearing comments, when I want to communicate my breakthrough ideas and observations to the whole universe, I post them in different places, not just one.


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