Aficionado de Vancouver Canucks arroja camiseta al hielo tras gol de Buffalo Sabres

Subido por Alyssa Hope Channel Link: Todos los derechos pertenecen a la NHL. No soy dueño de la música y las imágenes utilizadas en este video. Sólo con fines de entretenimiento.

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20 pensamientos sobre “Aficionado de Vancouver Canucks arroja camiseta al hielo tras gol de Buffalo Sabres

  1. Grown ass adult acting like a little whiney baby…damn it's just a game get over it life goes on but my guess is this fan has no life if this is what bothers them damn there more important things in life ti worry about.

  2. In 2019 the St. Louis Blues were at the bottom of their division, then they discovered a song (Gloria), found their mojo, and won the Stanley Cup for the first time in their team's history. Vancouver, all you need is a song and some mojo!

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