ESTÁS PONIENDO A TODOS INCOMODOS!! – Nueva Jersey – Auditoría de la Primera Enmienda – Amagansett Press

ESTÁS PONIENDO A TODOS INCOMODOS!! – Nueva Jersey – Auditoría de la Primera Enmienda – Amagansett Press ¡La Constitución de EE. UU. NO es nula donde lo prohíba la ley! Creemos que muchos de nuestros derechos y libertades civiles como ciudadanos estadounidenses en territorio estadounidense corren un gran riesgo y que un simple acto de desobediencia civil tiene el poder de efectuar un gran cambio. Si bien no tenemos interés ni intención de infringir ninguna ley, estamos dispuestos a defender la libertad y la constitución en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar y hacerlo de manera responsable y productiva. Nuestro objetivo es crear un debate libre y abierto siempre que sea posible en un esfuerzo por educarnos a nosotros mismos y a cualquier persona que desee aprender. Una regla de gobierno bien conocida es que la ignorancia no es excusa para la ley. Nuestra posición es que nosotros, como estadounidenses, hemos estado desinformados o mal informados con respecto a nuestras leyes y derechos durante demasiado tiempo. No somos abogados ni académicos, sin embargo, hemos estado involucrados en la fotografía profesional durante más de 30 años y nuestros derechos y libertades han sido cuestionados más veces de las que podemos recordar. Ningún grupo o persona tiene la capacidad de efectuar cambios en todos los ámbitos, sin embargo, estamos comprometidos a hacer nuestra parte al continuar defendiendo nuestro derecho constitucional a la libertad de prensa y el derecho a tomar fotografías y videos en público. Todas las donaciones se utilizarán exclusivamente para promover esta causa. ¡Queremos agradecerles de antemano por su apoyo a lo que hacemos y queremos que sepan que estamos comprometidos a trabajar más duro que nunca para defender nuestros derechos, sus derechos y la Libertad de Filmar en Público! Enlace a GoFundMe: VEA EL CANAL DE WATCHMEN’S AQUÍ: Este video solo tiene fines educativos. A menos que se indique específicamente lo contrario, todo el contenido, las imágenes, los logotipos, los diseños, los diseños y los videos tienen derechos de autor 2009-2022 Amagansett Press (TM)
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In defense of the girl in the blue shirt, she was not “yelling” at you. She was just voicing her concern. Her volume was nowhere near a yell lol. Other than that, I support everything you guys do! Keep up the great work ??
That house across the street looks like the one out of the tv show Charmed – they have some wonderful homes in America
Nice Español Jason. Keep up the good 1A work.
The terms news purposes and authorized personnel always seem to be subjective…however, the other photos in poster 7 means private areas require permission from the post master. Public areas, no permission required.
that guys a pig bruh
Those ladies at the start were so worried about you, When they should’ve been more worried about Ralph! ??♀️
Props to the lady trying to learn but she should change or fix that mask cause it looks like she has the O face..
Please be patient and forgiving to people who have lived under communist rule for years it is New Jersey after all! New Jersey is the armpit of the United States!
Melissa unprofessional,rude, and ignorant!
she look goofy
A local postmaster is AUTHORIZED. You’re lying bro.
I’m an Attorney and I’m gonna call you out for spewing Bs
the local postmaster is considered authorized personnel under Poster 7, as they are responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations governing conduct on postal property. The postmaster has the authority to take appropriate action in response to any violations of Poster 7, such as issuing warnings or requesting the assistance of law enforcement.
In addition to the postmaster, other USPS employees and contractors who work at a post office or other USPS facility are also considered authorized personnel under Poster
Your videos are cool, your approach is supper annoying just trying to rile folks up, yet you end up educating them.
Overall it’s very creepy experience.
I love Amagansett Press it's so cool he speaks Spanish ?❤
The problem with Govt employees is that nearly all of them are unwilling to learn anything new. The phrase "this is we always did it" is prevalent in all of Govt. I retired from both the military and the US Govt and spent an inordinate amount of time trying to get old dogs to learn new tricks. Luckily I always had written rules to back me up. When the next most common phrase "this is how I/we interpret that" was uttered, I would immediately ask to see the statute/rule/policy/order that authorizes them to "interpret" anything that isn't clearly written.
Fun fact: "interpret" isn't even found in Article 3 of the US Constitution as a function of the Courts.
I love the sound of water falls
The calm postal clerk ??
Tell her all over the post office there’s cameras! Don’t go in post office. The big bad cameras in there are taking pics of everyone who comes in.
I never knew that the logo for the postal service was an eagle and a mail carrier’s hand too; pretty neat;
in a way; ? and ? are the same; every American reserves the right to own one; but just don’t go pointing it at anybody unless you absolutely need to;
It's none of their fucking business that's why he doesn't tell them
I really love that near white MANSION across the street and just look at those gorgeous houses across the street.
I'm older than you, I remember when the police were called peace keepers now they are referred to as enforcers. That speaks for itself.
Those women were incredibly stupid
These people are weird
young n dumb.
lie to start trouble. interesting. usps crap.
Lana for Mayor.
How many stamps do you now have?
I hope that guys wife doesn't see this video. She won't like what he said about that girls breast's
that bimbo woman i sware
Piss poor attitude Melissa…shame on you.. you should be fired(but will be safe because of the shit union)
Wish someone looked at me like llana looked at Poster 7 or whatever it's called.
23:12 watcher sees the pretty girl coming and tries being slick getting a better shot of her then moving back…
I’m thinking the bone in her nose is affecting her logic…now she’s getting snappy like she’s gonna kick someone’s ass…complete fool….now as for the lady at the post office…I believe there is hope for her…she’s still a bit funny but you did a good job by de escalating her not to raise her voice at you and someone may have told her about the rules and regulations. Also at the end of the encounter, she didn’t have a rebuttal that proves to me she took a back seat….thanks again guys and as always keep the sun shining down on your face and the wind at your back
8:47 These people have NO IDEA what the word "asked" means.
It seems they conflate "asked" with "commanded"
To ask implies that the listener has a choice.
To command implies that one MUST obey.