Activistas ambientales exigen que se investiguen las muertes de ballenas en la costa de Jersey

Otra ballena jorobada apareció en la costa de Jersey durante el fin de semana, preocupando tanto a los residentes como a los conservacionistas. Al menos otros tres han llegado a tierra a lo largo de la costa del sur de Jersey desde julio. Funcionarios de Atlantic City dicen que la ballena jorobada adulta de 30 pies fue descubierta en la playa cerca de South Mississippi Avenue el sábado, a solo unas pocas cuadras de donde otra ballena llegó a la costa el fin de semana de Navidad. LEER MÁS:

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47 pensamientos sobre “Activistas ambientales exigen que se investiguen las muertes de ballenas en la costa de Jersey

  1. I think it is powerful sonar activity that kills whales and other species caused by submarines etc. It confuses them and causes them to beach themselves and die. Humans are to blame of course! Stupid people almost hunted them into extinction. Now it continues with sonar, climate change and countries that still kill Whales! Human scum just don't seem to care about other species, all they care about now is money!

  2. I'm a North NJ resident, but very disturbed at what is happening to the
    beautiful smart whales & dolphins in the Atlantic ocean! I'm hopeful someone is investigating this tragedy, that doesn't seem to STOP. They're STILL DYING!
    What is KILLING THEM?
    Sonar? Cruise ships? Toxic Poisons??
    I'm a concerned environmentalist, who really cares about this Planet Earth!

  3. Whales weren't dying when Trump was president!!
    No wars!!
    No toxic train crashes!
    No American soldiers murdered!
    No airport disasters!!!
    No inflation!
    No fbi raids of innocent Americans homes!!

  4. Yo , Morons……its from the windmill exploration!!! The sonar used causes death in whales and dolphins.
    Windmills are an environmental DISASTER!!!
    Ocean life as well as birds are destroyed by windmills. FACT!!
    $$$$$ and extreme left wing political ideology are behind the push for this flawed and destructive "energy" source. Billionaire extremist governor Phil Murphy is a lapdawg for this destructive technology which will destroy the jersey coastline as well as aquatic life.
    Wake up you blue state morons before more whales and dolphins die and your coastline is a visual toilet

  5. We have more important things going on in our country than putting tax payers money to save a few whales. Like cleaning that chemical spill in ohio. That is important. Also why don't these idiots find the beach Whales and save them instead of yelling at our useless president to help.

  6. Whales are mammals, they breathe air, just we do.. If the windmills, turbine and equipment is disrupting the average flow of ocean life, much like with people who become agitated and stressed, an internal battle may be occurring, it's called territory. If there is a change with surface air because of the human impulse to think money over sustainable life, then there in lies the problem..Our forestry is not tended, therefore oxygen is becoming limited, anicent history will show, the conditions found in animals are the first signs. Humans have gone too far, the warning is with the Earth she will lock down in ice age mode to rid herself of the evil disease that breeds with humans, called greed. There is always a time to stop, that timeframe is long gone.

  7. Awe green energy. No mention of the countless thousands of eagle, hawks and raptors being killed in Oklahoma. Because the foreign companies are subsidized by states by paid off congressional committees.

  8. Its crazy how a green energy project thats NOT EVEN BUILT gets blamed for the death of whales.
    yall so dumb to fall for the propoganda of big oil.

  9. Wind turbines can have a negative effect on whales by disrupting their communication systems. Whales rely heavily on acoustics to navigate, find food, and communicate with one another. The noise created by the turbines can interfere with their ability to use sound to travel, feed, and socialize, which can lead to reduced health and even death. And also the turbines affect water temperatures and have affect on availability of food sources like fish .

  10. It's the electricity from the water wind mills. That's why they look paralyzed when they wash up on shore because that's one of the symptoms of being electrocuted in water.

  11. Activists should get active, and investigate until they are completely fulfilled , and satisfied with what they have achieved. Alternatively the activists can get a little media attention and perhaps some grant money.

  12. It is the Soñar to find the depths for the foundation of the wind turbines. It’s actually killing the whale imagine a long, long, high-pitched tone in your ear what it would do to your brain. If there is evidence of craft damage on the whale, it could be after they died. There is too much money to be made by the state of New Jersey to stop this project. Money means more to Governor Murphy than the lives of our whales. Terrible where are the environmentalists please step up.

  13. Build dopey windmills that will be torn to shreds when the next hurricane marches up the east coast or do not Place them off the coast and save the whales?!?!

    Green freaks in a quandary!

  14. It’s not a wind farm it’s either commercial or military and whatever it is it’s recent, something like a large wind farm as a more long-term project and wouldn’t make a drastic short term difference like this.

  15. This is the great green new deal… how many more whales are these jackals going to kill…. this is totally insane.. using tax dollars to destroy are environment..
    If there isn't a screeching halt done about this ….. Where is AOC .!!!!

  16. Whales wash up to tell their simplistic human counterparts that they are on the 'wrong path; in life.
    Whales are the most superior animals on the planet – then Dolphins – then man.
    They sacrifice themselves all over the planet in the hope that 'someone' understands that Nature is to be respected and revered.
    Just look at the Whale circles when they float vertically. This is the time when they commune with the Prime Creator.
    They wish you would understand ?

  17. again your woke student from Rutgers University gives her woke explanation and trying to say that this is normal….. I guess just like Faucci she represents science the new fake and woke science …lol

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