Golpeado por lanzamiento cantado cuando la pelota golpea la camiseta del bateador #baseball #shorts #travelbaseball #iq

¿Es esta la decisión correcta del árbitro? Béisbol U13

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22 pensamientos sobre “Golpeado por lanzamiento cantado cuando la pelota golpea la camiseta del bateador #baseball #shorts #travelbaseball #iq

  1. Correct call. The uniform is part of the body. On another note, if you're going to work with a partner, try to communicate with him or her prior to the start of the game and discuss what color shirt you are going to wear so you look a little more professional .

  2. No it’s not a bad call this is little league and everything isn’t as clear to the umpire has to we’re a helmet it does not matter that it hit he jersey the umpire can’t feel that kids pain so if it hits the Jersey so it’s not a bad call

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