Jersey Boys London actúan en el Royal Variety Performance 2008

El elenco de Jersey Boys London se presentó en The Royal Variety Performance 2008 el 11 de diciembre de 2008. Emitido por BBC1 el 17 de diciembre de 2008. Video cortesía de BBC1
Tu tienda especializada de Camisetas de fútbol retro y vintage. Compra Camisetas de fútbol antiguas, replicas auténticas. Moda clásica.
Ryan malloy is so good, wish him every success
Highly recommend it. (Bit too.much swearing though).
Went to see the show it was great few years ago ❤
Brilliant go see it
They were brilliant
I grew up with this music (I’m 71) and it brings back so many memories. I saw the originals twice—once on a Dick Clark bus & truck tour, and once at the Ohio State Fair. And if I’d seen Jersey Boys on stage they’d have tossed me out for singing too loud and dancing in the aisles!!
Sounds better that Frankie and the 4 seasons.
Len has passed away. May he RIP
SHOOT the camera man….. great show I saw it live twice…. brilliant and its the dance routines along with the songs but the camera guys ruined it in this.
Saw this in London back in 2012……an amazing show to be sure!
brillint song
I saw Jersey Boys three times I wish it would come back someday
I’ve seen the Jersey Boys 6 times at a major theatre, and at minor theatres countless times and I’ve loved every one ??
So talented love the music
For those marvelling at the insanely talented Ryan Molloy as Frankie, here he is absolutely killing it as another Frankie – he performed in place of Holly Johnson for Frankie Goes To Hollywood.
How hell did I get here
The word is spelled g-e-n-i-u-s.
Absolutely fantastic saw in Sheffield last week. Will be going again
if they can't PLAY it live, they shouldn't perform it at all
Seen this show many times in London THIS IS THE BEST CAST a of all the times I saw it (over 6 times) ❤ frankie n Bob ❤
2023 ❤? LOVE
Ryan malloy easily the best .