Favorite JERSEY you’ve worn in your WHOLE CAREER ??⚾️ #shorts

These guys made our childhood ?⚾️ What’s your favorite jersey in baseball? ? It was absolutely surreal talking to the dudes who we played with on the wii with MLB 2k and whose cards we collected There are tons of dope jerseys out there… I’ve always been a huge fan of all star game jerseys and the way they capture the vibe of the city ?It’s really cool to see MLB push initiatives like the city connect line to spice up the on field drip in baseball ? #mlb #majorleaguebaseball #worldseries #allstargame #homerunderby #baseball #baseballjersey #baseballcap #redsox #yankees #phillies #legend #sports #mvp #allstar #athlete

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44 pensamientos sobre “Favorite JERSEY you’ve worn in your WHOLE CAREER ??⚾️ #shorts

  1. That wasn’t the dbacks jersey he was referring to I think it’s the all black that says “d-backs” with red trim
    Also one of my favorite if not my favorite jersey

  2. I really like the 2002 Angels white jersey with the red under shirt. I also think the Angels have the best gray road uniforms to date. Just wish they would say Anaheim on it.

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