Mike Goes Skydiving for his Gender Reveal ✈️🍼 Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a SITUATION! 🙌 Operation: Gender Reveal is a success when Mike skydives as the fam cheers him on from below. Jersey Shore Family Vacation is all-new Jerzdays at 8p on MTV!

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42 pensamientos sobre “Mike Goes Skydiving for his Gender Reveal ✈️🍼 Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

  1. Good for him for going through with it!!! It's an experience he will never forget. Defo best way to do it sprung on him so he never had time to think about it he just had to do it.

  2. ✝️
    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

    John 3:16‭-‬21 NKJV


  3. /////// the accumulated sum of (the lawlessness) of our Legislators failure (to create law) constraining government's (Authority+Permission) to the limited set of (anomalously bonafide logical) [DUTY's] which would have to be quite anomalous for near any task to be claimed as a necessity which only government is capable of providing to consumers because otherwise for all normal tasks which aren't sufficient to rise to the level of a logical [DUTY] the result of Legislators failure to comprehend the imperative need for government to step aside and admit they overstepped their logical bonafide [DUTY's] is provably an immediate necessity because denying consumers the benefits of competitive competition is a very serious logical error which has resulted in

    1) not only denying consumers the benefits of the improved results which competitive competition guarantees but also + more specifically ..

    2) provably interfering with capitalism's competitive competitor's ability to provide solutions for the grailist grail of all consumer (products+services), the (need, want + desire) for immediate solutions to extend healthy human life to eternal healthy human life, (here on earth), [within omg, my own lifetime].

    government's regulation of near everything is grossly improper because it's provably

    1) not a bonafide logical [DUTY] of government because it deny's consumers the benefit of the improved results competitive competition guarantees.

    2) it's also provably the equivalent of Skinner Boxing [individual] choice into a narrow range of mediocracy know as a bell curve, which is the exact opposite of optimal. The tails of a bell curve are thin because there's not enough diversity of [individual, individuality].

    the fat tails of an INVERTED bell curve is provably superior because the rule of large numbers aka larger diversity of [individual, individuality] provably locates outlyer results in greater quantity + more timely exploration of the anomalously fruitful binary combinations which bell curves destroy.

    1) evolution of our species succeeds or fails based upon (the extraordinary) results of (1, 2 or 3) [individuals, individual success] or their failure to succeed (in creating the grailist grails) if government's inappropriate Skinner Boxing of everyone (prevents) the bulk of extraordinary successes (our species evolution, depends upon).

    2) it's imperative government stop perpetuating the idea that the failures encountered will be unmanagable because 100 pct absolute property rights will quickly prevail in creating the most polite humans (our species has ever experienced).

    competitive competition which is self regulating results in optimal

    1) prices

    2) quality

    3) timelyness

    safety doesn't have to be mentioned because (safety) occurs naturally (near effortlessly) within (100 percent pure) completely deregulated capitalism because competitive competition considers every necessity or those who don't will fail soon as consumers become aware of any+all neglect. Competition is self regulating, self correcting. Those who fail to politely + voluntarily follow the rules go bankrupt.

    the brute force of binary search engines + artificial intelligences slightly more optimal, hill climbing algorithm's emphasis on including an appropriately sized near random (reseeding) of the gene pole (both) emphasize the need to explore beyond the bell curves of mediocracy thus again proving the rule of large numbers of near random (diverse) [individual, individuality] is logically the optimal path to locate the highest (quantity+quality) of solutions to near any (need want or desire) which in the context i am framing governments failure is their provable over emphasis on safety and even within that area government provably errors because government licensing + regulation provably created the (scarcity of supply) of Medical Doctors. The one area where scarcity of [individual, individuality] aka deviation from the bell curves grossly improper (way to thin, tails of diversity)'s failing to overcome the mediocracy (of what government, believes is safety) is provably the opposite of the extraordinary (outlying successes) deregulation is guaranteed to provide an abundance of.

    governments laws requiring consumers participate in mandatory education for the first 18yrs of life, and restrictions on children working are provably not competitively vetted logic because diversity in the form of [individual, individuality] and inverted bell curves is the source of the outlying anomalous solutions for near any consumer (product+service) especially the grailist grails of consumers (needs, wants + desires) [near immediate evolution to eternal life].

    1) on the job training for our children is a logical improvement over making children wait until age 25 to become Medical Doctors, which isn't helping evolution create solutions which can solve consumers grailist of grail (needs, wants + desires).

    this idea that it's inappropriate for government to deny consumers the benefits of the improved results competitive competition can guarantee likely applies to near everything government does. I am aware of or can develop the proofs which prove government should not be denying consumers the results of competitively vetted [improved results] within near everything including specific areas where government's [logic,itself] is less than optimally competitive as should be (speculated, anticipated, predicted + projected) to be less than optimal given the fact government has existed inside a vacume devoid of proper accountability for their failures to provide consumers with competitively vetted consumer (products+services) for such a long time, the current conditional state of the quantity + depth of governments mistaken (logical premises) is inappropriately beyond any continued effort to cover up.

  4. I've been watching the Jersey Shore since the very first episode, I was the one waiting every Thursday night for the new episode.. I had the shirts and everything, I am so proud of all of them, can't lie I cried like a baby when he said it's a girl!! Haha 😂 congratulations Mike and Lauren!!!♥️

  5. I've been watching the Jersey Shore since the very first episode, I was the one waiting every Thursday night for the new episode.. I had the shirts and everything, I am so proud of all of them, can't lie I cried like a baby when he said it's a girl!! Haha 😂 congratulations Mike and Lauren!!!♥️

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