The Best Way To Put On A Football Jersey #football #footballplayer
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Puedes comprar todas las camisetas oficiales de fútbol en futbolmania, la tienda de las mejores Camisetas de fútbol – Devolución gratis.
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Just put it on your pads
i just tell a teammate to hold my jersey upside down and put the pads back in the jersey
Bro I just put my Jursey on the pads and keep it on but after like 2 weeks I wash ist
Then getting it off is gonna be the hardest part
Put ur jersey over ur pads first.thats what I do and it's not hard to get on just hard to get off
I put my jersey on my pads then I get my pads on
No it’s not just put the jersey on the pads before you put on the pads so you can just put it on in one pice
No it's not
Why Stephen knew there
Are you gonna play for FCF