Why Johan Cruyff Wore An Adidas Shirt With 2 Stripes

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Comprar Camisetas de fútbol para adultos y niños desde 15 € y camisetas oficiales de equipos de fútbol. Clica y Recoge GRATUITO en tienda.
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Nowadays we‘re used to seeing Messi (Adidas athlete) in a Barça Nike shirt for years and CR7 (Nike athlete) in a Real Madrid Adidas shirt but honestly the Puma vs Adidas rivalry is a different level…
Because he won’t lose with puma
Best Dutch team 2010❤❤❤
Nike is better
In the end it's still an adidas kit
Rudolf?and Ado-?????
After 2010…Nike entered the chat
And puma and poli
Nike and adidas
Biggest rival is Adidas and Nike but I'm a Nike fan
Meanwhile:– NIKE ✅✔️☑️
Nah Puma always copy other brands like Nike so thats why i respect adidas for being original and hate puma
Adidas v Nike ??
Is that the Brisbane roars
Adolf ?
Why do you sound german
My guy is bigger than the rules themself