Storm Ciaran: Devastating waves and high speed winds crash through the UK

As Storm Ciaran powered through Europe, it has finally reached the United Kingdom where high speed winds and huge waves are crashing through the country with a devastating effect.

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20 pensamientos sobre “Storm Ciaran: Devastating waves and high speed winds crash through the UK

  1. There have always been storms as long as this earth exists…..BUT, the frequency and severity is increasing dramatically! See what we humans have done to our only wonderful planet! We should all be ashamed!

  2. America Brings Blood, Not Freedom. Supports Those Who Kill Children. America İs A Killer State. Supports Israeli Terrorism. Israel Kills Babies Every Day. Hamas İs A Party That Defends İts Country. They're Lying To The World. The Media İs Theirs. Don't Believe İt. Let's All Support For Free Palestine. Let's Say Stop To Killer America And Israel. Children Should Not Die.

  3. I remember one of the first of these storms in November 1999 in western France (Atlantic coast). I was living in a caravan on a holiday Center not far from the sea. I had my dog with me and l think my cats were not far away. In the middle of the night it started. It was very frightening. Trees were falling all around me making big thumps, and my roof highlight was blown off and my awning destroyed.I was so lucky that an uprooted pine tree did not fall on my caravan. One man was killed because of this. The next morning was a dramatic sight! Of course no electricity, no lighting. Pretty scary! I could not find my way around the place until they had cleared trees and debris. All the roads were blocked by fallen trees. So driving was impossible. This kind of storm is common place now. There are more and more of them!

  4. ??? getting a bit cringe now, as usual in reality its just a bit of wind but like you trashy media have done for years you will keep showing us clips from the shores and beaches and docks and keep poorly trying to fear monger everyone or is just out of desperation for a story to post? Either way no normal person is considering this as 'breaking news' ?

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