When Were The Iowa Class Battleships Most Impactful?

In this episode we’re talking about the different eras of the ship’s history.
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And my in-depth critique of Ryan's video debunking his claim of our main battery being both inaccurate and ineffectual… has been summarily deleted. Why am I not surprised?
If New Jersey would have confronted Yamamoto in World War II rather than chase the Aircraft Carriers, your order would definitely had been changed and World War II at the top of the list.
Ryan your answers as to the Iowa’s greatest use seems quite self serving. A museum was never the planned use, they were the big dog in the front yard.
I agree wholeheartedly with you about them being most effective as museum ships. In my opinion, when it comes to showing people history, one of the most effective ways to do it is by having the equipment fully operational (tractors, cars, aircraft during airshows, etc.). However, obviously that is financially and physically impossible with museum ships, so by being able to show the public around and say "this is what it WAS like" is the next best thing. And speaking to your point about helping recruitment numbers, I just recently witnessed about 20 people sign up for the Air Force during an airshow that I went to. Just goes to show that all of this (whether it be museum ships or flyable military aircraft) definitely impacts the decisions people make.
In WW2 the majority of the bombardment was done by the older battleships and older cruisers. The newer battleships and newer cruisers screened the aircraft carriers. My dad who passed in 2017 at age 92 proudly served on the heavy cruiser USS Louisville CA 28 from 1943-46. Here are a few places they bombarded with the older cruisers and older battleships:
USS LOUISVILLE CA- 28 Heavy Cruiser 1944-5
1 – Extensive shelling Island of Wotje in Marshalls.
2 – Bombardment Roi & Namur Islands.
3 – Led gunfire support Eniwetok Island.
4 – Bombarded Palaus Island.
5 – Bombarded Truk & Sawatan.
6 – 11 days of continued fire support Siapan.
7 – Bombarded Tinian & Guam.
8 – Enter Leyte Gulf – support major allied invasion force & shelled shore
installations for 7 straight days.
9 – Battle of Surigao Strait – Flagship for Rear Admiral Jesse Oldendorf.
10 – Support landings at Lingayen Gulf. Hit by (2) kamikaze & killed
Rear Admiral Theodore Chandler & many sailors.
11 – Fire support for Okinawa. Hit by another Kamikaze.
12 – Delivered Bull Halsey’s officers & staff – (150) to USS Missouri.
13 – Continued fire support duties.
14 – War ends.
15 – Escorted surrendered Japanese ships from Tsingato, China to Jinsen, Korea.
The surrender of the Imperial Japanese on the deck of the USS Missouri was the finest hour of the Iowa class.
I would say that the Japanese knew the Americans were going to build ships like the Iowas meant that they built the two Yamato's and nearly a third one, instead of treaty class battleships that they probably would have used more.
I think part of what you're saying about WW2 is that other battleships served much more effectively right? If so, we can give some of their credit to the Iowa class, because had not the Iowa class been there to keep up with the carriers, the other battleships might themselves have served as even poorer carrier escorts. So the Iowas being shackled to carriers enabled the non-Iowas to be dettached and do their thing. So from that point of view, the Iowas did exactly what they were supposed to: exploit the 32knot speed to enable guns on target. It just turned out they were enabling other classes' guns, not their own.
WHY did the barrels of the 16" main guns drop after launching a shell?
That 2% number can’t possibly be right. If I recall correctly about 1/7th of the total population has served in the military. That’s about 14 or 15%. So if 15% have actively SERVED, then the total number who have FAMILY that have served has got to be 30 or 35% or more.
I think you hit the nails on the head Ryan. As always, I appreciate how much you think about what you say in these videos… you DO have quite a number of them and this cannot be as simple as you make it look. I know Camden a bit as I helped build a power plant there in the 1990s. I also assisted Operation Desert Shield to mobilize the 2nd Armored Division to Saudi Arabia. I did some work at the White Sands Missile Range during the SDI days where I also came to acknowledge the value of increasing deterrence in ending the cold war. Thank you for your service in promoting our Navy and national security in general. (PS. thanks for the deck-teak fundraiser… my daughter-in-law made us a great shelf out of it for our guest room -highly recommended)
Bull's Boner prevented the Iowas from proving their metal against the Nip BB's
I’d argue the greatest impact of the Iowas is their (mostly deserved) reputation for good design and (mostly undeserved) reputation for actual strategic value, which unfortunately has had mostly negative impacts on public understanding of battleships and naval history.
I thought it would be, "which WWII battle were the Iowa Class battleships most crucial to success or influence to the course of the battle?"
I'd like to see a comeback of the battleship!! A 21st century built battleship!!!
US Navy analysis after the Korea War found that the 16” gunfire was the most cost-effective weapon deployed.
You’re completely wrong, Ryan. Where you got this information about the Iowas in the Tanker War, I have no idea. Congressional testimony specifically said that when the USS Iowa in particular entered the Gulf, all attacks stopped. “Like somebody turned off a light switch.”
Your Lebanon description is also ridiculously misleading. The New Jersey’s bombardment in February was devastating—destroying a Syrian Command and Control center and killing a Soviet General.
Vietnam should've been #1 but Gulf War is also a good pick ?