When Chief Keef was banned from New Jersey ??

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33 pensamientos sobre “When Chief Keef was banned from New Jersey ??

  1. Why aren't these guys not having a problem with the white supremacist in their New Jersey chapters that get money every day especially in racist morris town NJ whom they did blacks horribly wrong x100 from slavery time and still today all these guys just have a problem with themselves sadx100 that they don't have no love ? for another black man pitiful x100

  2. Its always amazing to me when you hear a street or whatever guy say "You in my state or city". Just ridiculous to make that statement and make a video for everyone to see. Smh

  3. ???… I have never heard anyone from jersey brag about being from Jersey… I have never heard of anyone being proud that they are from Jersey….Makes for a good landfill state though???

  4. In the end they’ll still end up payin for a ticket to get inside the concert only to be stopped by venue security.. So not only will Chief Keef make money in your state, but he’s also gonna be pocketing yo MF’n money too…??‍♂️????

  5. What kills me is those dudes own nothing in New Jersey, not a gas station, a liquor store or a lemonade stand! Reppin a block that was named after our slave master man!! Wake up

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