World's Largest T-Shirt Cannon (breaks the roof)

I was challenged to build a T-Shirt cannon. I accepted the challenge.
I started a company called CrunchLabs where we build a toy together and then I teach you all the juicy physics for how it works. So if you want to learn to think like an engineer and have really fun time doing it, check out the current promotion where you get 2 FREE boxes at
You should also go subscribe to the CrunchLabs YouTube channel cause we’ve got some bangers in the pipeline-
Thanks to these folks for providing some of the music in the video:
Ponder –
Laura Shigihara – @supershigi
Andrew Applepie –
Blue Wednesday –
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TWO videos in ONE week!! A true Christmas miracle!!! I'm now going to sleep for 4 days.
How to make an artillery cannon
This is why I love the saying "The younger generation will always surpass the older"
Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony athony!!!
Guys, you can also learn Indonesian
Cocok buat DPR
Should have called up mark serbu
Hey Mark Rober can you help me with a project??
Engineering is Incredible
15,65th comment
I've been to SoFi Stadium
Anthony is the true goat
Mark.. This could be a military weapon lol
Anthony is Gona Go Places
wish i had that creativity
go marching band!
Anthony is Mark Rober 2.0 XD he's gonna be the next person to take your Youtube channel
This was in a dude perfect video
I am a really big fan please I’m a really really big fan. Just please make a projectile to the moon.
That kids smarter then me
Rober has the most iconic music
I love that donkey
I totally expected him to say "…a t-shirt cannon that…can surpass metal gear."
you keep your mouth open so your eardrums get a lesser hit
“I must resort to the cannon at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot”
You need to make a tank????
I feel better for my son's future knowing boys like Anthony exist
4:51 when the PVZ kicks a explication is happening
I m pretty sure he owns a watermelon farm for just the watermelometer
put a human into the cannon.
Вы могли сделать снаряд из двух оболочек. Внешняя плотно прилегающая к стенкам ствола а внутри ёмкость с футболкой. Выходя из дула снаряд бы имел импульс тяжелого снаряда, а затем внешняя оболочка отсоединялась бы и давала импульс внутренней ёмкости с футболкой. Тем самым я думаю снаряд смог бы долететь до верхнего сиденья трибуны. Ещё я думаю можно было бы применить диффузор для разгона газа, как в камере сгорания РД, что в свою очередь тоже повысило дальность и точность стрельбы пушки.
Do à submarine