New laws coming to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware in 2024

New laws coming to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware in 2024


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35 pensamientos sobre “New laws coming to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware in 2024

  1. So only repeat offenders get serious punishments for stealing cars and large auto theft rings?

    What about a 16 year old with an Apple charging cable that decided he wanted to take a KIA home that day? Once they check his papers in jail, he’s going to be pulled to the side and told that if he wants to start moving smart he needs to hit these people up.

    Now you dummies gave another criminal ring a member. How are we still having trouble figuring this out? The hell. Who makes laws?

    And by laws I mean THESE laws? Specifically the one about repeat offenders before they feel consequences. I am not asking for the key to be thrown away, just consequences.

  2. So they are giving illegals driving licenses. So I like how they snuck in the register to vote if you apply for a drivers licenses. You think the cartel is bad in our neighborhoods…well thanks to the democrats you are being lied too. They cheat to get a vote. Then they will tax you through the butt. The illegals will be come a problem as they bus millions throughput the country making your taxes go higher to pay for them. Bring down America should be their slogan.

  3. PA passed a dog law, wtf ? that's the big change in 2024 for PA, whoopee.
    Whilst giving criminals a free pass to continue their crime sprees without punishment. We've got drugs killing Kengsinton, car theft, and gun violence rampant in Philadelphia, shit that matters, not dog laws.
    At least Jersey and Delaware passed real laws that matters.

  4. Your empowered sensitivity, as you asked this non-man to review their very painful traumas was an act of selfless kindness and unconditional compassion, in action! Thank you, for being so authentic! You reached out, with majestic empathy, radiating only loving-kindness from your heart core! Reaching out is so healing, as instructed in the sacred scriptures and oral tradition of Progressive ideology! Did you know that? Please reach out, often! When I reach out, I feel so authentic, brave and courageous; especially when I'm strengthening my pelvic floor while doing Kegels! When I embrace my authenticity, I reach out; then I visit that fabulous new hidden gem, the one where the food is always to-die-for! It's true (because I walk in my empowered truth as I stand in my iconic power)! I've been focusing on decentering my Whiteness, and performing endless penance for my role in hundreds of years of injustices, while understanding that context-dependent social constructs need to be deconstructed. Love And Light, to all sentient beings! Black Lives Matter!

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