New Jersey Dads Demand Drug Tests Taken Before Entering their House |@WorldsStrictestParents

Another full episode for you! Would you agree to these family rules? ▶ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE :
▶ How Strict Parents Deal With LOVE, SEX & DATING:
▶ Teens get their bags searched:
▶ Alcohol is BANNED:
▶ Most Shocking Moments:
Think you’ve got the World’s Strictest Parents? How do they stack up against these ones? From cutting logs to walking into ponds these parents have the answer to any disobedient teen. How would you survive against the World’s Strictest Parents?
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That house is beautiful!!
20:06 most wholesome moment ever
This is one of the best ones by far!
Having just watched this for the first time in YEARS, I swear this family is one of the most laid back yet super encouraging, structured, and overall kind individuals on any version of this show.
Probably one of the best couples I have seen on this show so caring and nothing but love to give I really respect both of those men for doing what they do and raising top class individuals and helping people get back on track.
That guy just needed some guidance fr
Omg this is the best one I’ve watched so far
Bloody hell, Wesley looks like Ian Huntley! Lol.
What great people!!! ❤
This family and the Irish family with the horses have always been my favourites ❤ such sweet and calm people
10:53 slay.
Your sexual preference doesn’t matter… what matters is your helping them children to be better people. Cuddos to you both.
These parents set the bar. More concerned with mental health than control. I was amazed when they didn't just complete the time and send them off. They knew the young lady needed more time and support. That shows they really care. ❤ True success. Beautiful people.
I've lived in jersey my whole life, close to cape may enough to just drive an hour or 2 to get down to the shore. But I live more towards Camden n Philly.
45:00 was the realest part of this episode
The dad with the beard was so sweet with that girl. In some of the episodes with straight parents the kids are losing mattresses and doors, but that man was so sweet and only showed her kindness. He was so sweet and respected her privacy.
I died when he earned his money and he said he buying himself sum nice and not spending it on the baby ??
“We can lounge around on the couch and watch Manchester United” ?
Finally! My two dads! They were lovely people. This is one of my faviorites.
I didn't expect to cry tonight ?
This is by far the nicest episode ever! And these two dads have been absolutely amazing with these teens. They haven’t been dominating or wanting respect like the other strict parents, but have respected these teens and played on their strengths. Good on them!! They have my total respect!!
Just pee in the cup, he's not having you arrested, they foster kids, it's necessary.
This show let's me down. I want to see an episode where they don't change.
haha the babies face when Wes was crying – So cute. I wish everyone in this show all the best the best episode ever
I appreciate seeing the dads cleaning along with the kids right in the beginning I’ve seen so many where the parents have kids and give them the chores solo
Whyy was I totally waiting for someone to go “omg, it’s two blokes” ahahaha no judgement but idk it seemed fitting but they must say guys too over yonder ig
This is one of my favorite ones
I think people have children so they can play god for eighteen Years
20:13 pug in the morning ??
What great parents! My favorites so far. Bless them for raising children!
Best episodes of them all honestly my people are the best ?️?
Awesome parents!!!!!??❤
What I wanna know is what all the teens from this show are up to know