Putting an ad on an Original 6 jersey should be illegal. Especially a GARBAGE ad ?️

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ENVÍO y DEVOLUCIÓN GRATIS – Gran colección de Camisetas de fútbol oficiales – Descubre camisetas de equipos y selecciones europeas en camisetasfutboleses.com.
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The Garbage Patch Kids strike again. ?
Fig Newtons coming to a visor near you.
The same guy saying grow the league also complaining about ads on jerseys. What do you think you're asking for?
Spread the word
Agreed biz
It all comes down to cash.
I hate the ads on the jerseys so much, really does make the nhl look bush league this is not the ahl,chl, euro leagues, this is the NHL top of the top no more ads
YeA WTF preach BIzz
Have you ever sceen a soccer jersey?
agreed completely. I worry this is a slippery slope to being like soccer players in the EU where I dont even know if the teams name is on the damned jersey.
But you need a cup to drink milk :/ I know I know they won lots waaaaaaay back and my grampa said it was awesome
This is the greatest video ever.
The Wings jersey is SACRED. And, to answer the question of the dollar amount: 3y/15m TOTAL.
I would think Mike Ilitch is tumble drying in his grave. His son is an EMBARRASSMENT.
How many teams don't have one at this point? I can only think of the Oilers and the Flames. Seeing Air Canada and BMO on the Habs stuff is absolutely gross.
100% agree with biz. You don’t put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari…or tramp stamp on a rocket.
No ads on sweaters
I don’t mind them on some jerseys. I’m a kraken fan and the Muckleshoot Tribe of Indians patch doesn’t look bad
I hate them anywhere, was against the helmet adds and as soon as that happened I was like just wait, won’t take long until it looks like the European jerseys, absolute garbage
I hate the jersey ad in every sport, it looks so out of place.
No lies were told
Tramp Stamp ???. Totally agree
Can someone please call Elon and tell him his rocket might be pointy, but it needs a tramp stamp! I bet he will oblige!
Yes fight this, it’s literally trash on a masterpiece
San Jose jerseys are fire and I’m not even a San Jose fan
Im soooo happy I bought a Jersey when the season started before the patch came on…..
it's a disgrace to the franchise and should be rulrd illegal league wide
It doesn’t give any validity to “the name on the front is more important than the name on the back”… like which name?!? I guess Take your pick… do you play for Chico’s bail bonds or do you play for the bears??
Jersey adds look bush league. Such a joke
As long as they don't go euro trash jerseys with the ads, I can deal. I kind of like the milk on the leafs. It's the best one. I like the blue ibx on the Flyers orange
I do not like Gary Bettman
If they can milk an extra $$ from something they will. Its a business. Or maybe they can add a non advertising surcharge on the ticket price.
Rare good take from Biz
Biz is 100% right. Leafs Milk add is awesome just because it’s Milk. Who TF wants a trash company as their sponsor. We knew it was coming, but why tf did it have to be that? Team decided to play like garbage because of it. Stupid.
I’d rather have nascar jerseys then have a game stopped every 7 mins for a commercial break. Prob get more goals too.
A Garbage company is the worst
I buy Tshirts. After a while I dont like them. Glad it is not a left arm tattoo
Helmets, fine. Jerseys should be free from advertisement. But that’s just my opinion
i absolutely despise the jersey add, it looks so unprofessional