Jersey Shore’s Most Watched (24, Bachelorette Drama, & More) | Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

For the Jersey Shore roomies, April was all about Angelina’s bachelorette party, drama (duh), and, of course, the return of 24.

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39 pensamientos sobre “Jersey Shore’s Most Watched (24, Bachelorette Drama, & More) | Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

  1. 24 Zack is a scammer and he’s using. Jenny is really obvious and she’s so stupid like he didn’t even kiss her at the door and man that loves you and want you he want to kiss you every time and every chance he can.

  2. So after seeing the episode, Janine doesn’t tell Angelina sorry and she should also check her about the whole elevator thing because she did let her boyfriend kiss her, but Jenny doesn’t take accountability and she stays with him. She’s really insecure.

  3. Deena and snookie have really not only calmed down alot after getting older and having kids and being married, but they're the 2most shocking changed women on the show! Don't even curse anymore LoL Deana is like freaking instead of the f word LoL ? so proud of them

  4. I'm glad I stopped watching Jenni dates. The same dudes over and over and expects different results when obviously she was destined to be Miss Jenny D and make the Pwow connection complete

  5. In all fairness, all the guys look bloated and washed up except for Vinny, it's beginning to become pathetic but all the ladies look amazing.. especially Deena and Jenni look stunning. Deena is such a cutie and Jenni is a beautiful lady.

  6. yeah its double standards with Angelina shes a massive flirt when she drinks glad vinny told her straight out what she did was disrespectful and she slept with that Luis when she was filming all stars shore she hasnt got a leg to stand on when it comes to being faifthful even on the first season when she was dating that married guy she was flirting with another guy at Karma and acted like she didnt remember anything

  7. Say what you want about these crazy kids ❤❤❤ I was like 14 when jersey shore came out and its beyond heart warming to see when it comes down to it there still really there for each other ❤❤❤❤

  8. I think angelina should never done that three way kiss with 24 and jwow no woman should ever even puckerthere lips at their friends man even if yall not close friends or even a neighbor Angelina also said she dances on her friends like that which i never seen her dance like that on Snooki or Deana or any one else she was kinda grinding on him but 24 was in the wrong as well but Angelina basically started it with that three way peck kiss

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