¿Qué munición de transporte deberías usar en Nueva Jersey?
En este video, comparto con ustedes qué munición de transporte deberían usar en su arma de porte oculto si tienen un permiso para portarla aquí en el estado de Nueva Jersey (Nueva Jersey). Repaso por qué deberían usar munición defensiva en lugar de munición de campo de tiro estándar, qué tipos de munición defensiva están permitidos y son legales en Nueva Jersey, si la munición de punta hueca es legal o no aquí en Nueva Jersey y qué munición elegí para llevar en mi arma de porte oculto y en mis armas de defensa del hogar. Vea mi otro contenido sobre armas de fuego: Comuníquese conmigo en: www.realjaycosta.com
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Jesus Christ from jersey shore actor to z list guntuber ohhhh New Jersey
What the hell would you be carrying range ammo for in your concealed carry? As most of us should know, range ammo has much more penetration depth than hollow point does. The purpose of hollow point ammo is to increase stopping power, and containing penetration to the perpetrator, minimizing the danger of others nearby.
How about any ammo you want to?
Thanks for sharing that info. If you make a follow up it might be worth adding the fact that trying a box of each type the State lists is useful because some highly-machined feed ramps snag on the some cartridges (eg compare shape of a Hornady vs a Nosler).
You can possess hp in your home, but can you shoot them?
in nj, the police are the largest anti 2A group in the state. They pushed for the hp ban.
All of the PTC laws are ridiculous ! Running errands with my son, i had to remove my firearm 3 times and place in vehicle lock box. I had him wait outside of vehicle , such B.S. If a Firearm remains in holster there can be no accidents.
Critical defense is high quality there are several videos showing how well it performs we prefer it although it is costly
If we can’t use HP’s then but G9 external hp’s or underwood extreme defenders they do very similar damage in tissue and actually excel over HP’s through bone and hard barriers
Glaser safety slug? try finding them.
that law is the dumbest law of all anti gun laws. it is too dangerous? too deadly? but every cop is allowed to have it? solid points are too dangerous because of over penetration. you need a nice lawsuit against the idiot COMMUNIST scumbags in your state to get this overturned. they are putting people in danger.
When a state will only allow lame ammo like Critical Defense, (it always tests as low power and less than good expansion), while the elitists and preferred individuals get to walk around with anything they want, shows that politicians want to protect criminals and not law abiding citizens. Just horrible.
Good thing you realized range ammo is a terrible choice for self defense!
Why would anyone want to live in that communist shithole?
NJ is corrupt and is big business.
Awesome video, was in the same boat carrying range ammo. Now I carry Hornday Critical Duty.
Thanks for the clarification very helpful.
Great video, You have a new subscriber.
I hope I will never be in NJ. To those that are there , enjoy who you voted for.
Just FYI why your Critical Defense ammo was plain brass with no nickel plating, direct from Hornadays website…
NOTICE: Temporary suspension of nickel plated cartridge cases for Critical Defense® Handgun Ammunition
Unfortunately, everyone is faced with production bottlenecks and supply chains are stressed. In particular, the freight system is delayed longer than normal. Our current turnaround time on nickel plating cartridge cases is 4+ weeks. This delay has created a significant bottleneck in the production of ammunition.
Due to these issues, we will suspend nickel plating on all Critical Defense handgun ammunition to help reduce production time.
Please note, this is a temporary suspension.
Hornady Critical defense. Thanks for the great video
Live free or live in New Jersey! New Jersey should put "New Jersey, first in the fight against freedom" on their license plates.
thank you for the info. live close to ottomanellis myself. good to know there are like minded people are close!
I’m so glad I got out of that state and fortunately, landed in a very Pro2A state with Constitutional Carry.
GREAT to find someone with info regarding firearms in New Jersey.
Edit: Thank you for this video Jay. Regards from Monmouth Co.
Hornady critical defense
Hornady has been my edc for past few years. And now only in my nj guns. Police departments don’t know this. Some will try and charge you for carrying hollow points. The police need to be educated.
I live in Philly Ave HATE going to NJ. I only go for Roger Wilco & my favorite Soul Food restaurant Corinne's Place. I feel out of place everything in over there.
For a second I thought you were going to say hollowpoints in NJ were illegal to own. Even today, I hear that myth.
It is illegal to possess hollowpoints while committing a crime. It's often added as a bonus charge after a search is conducted of a house during an investigation for an unrelated crime.
The problem in our school in nj are run by far left liberal teachers that project their beliefs on nj youth. I had to deprogrammed my sons because of the ideology they learned in the public schools system
It doesn't matter what ammo you use, they will claim it is more dangerous. FMJ is too penetrating, HP is too deadly. You can't win. Have more than 10? Too much. Can't win.
i am the 1000th like and 200th comment !
Left NJ for a free state several years back when I retired. I would have had to keep a job in retirement just to pay property taxes. Problem with NJ is everything to do with a firearm starts out as illegal and a felony. You only get around this by fitting into very poorly worded exemptions.
Thank you for the information. You never know in New Germany!
NJ is the worst state in the country. At least CA has nice weather. NJ is a dump in every way, overpopulated cold tyrannical S HOLE
Didn't the instructors who did your qualification and your mandatory use of force training review the law on carry ammunition as well as the terminal ballistics of range ammo vs. ammo such as Hornady Critical Defense? If they didn't, shame on them. Thanks for the vid.