Muchachos de la camiseta | West End EN VIVO 2021

El exitoso musical ganador del premio Tony y Olivier, Jersey Boys, regresa al escenario LIVE del West End con una mezcla de todos tus éxitos favoritos. Obtenga boletos aquí: Official London Theatre es el sitio número uno para obtener boletos de teatro, noticias y entrevistas exclusivas para los mejores espectáculos de Londres. Ya sea que le guste un musical optimista, una comedia hilarante, un thriller dramático, una producción familiar o un espectáculo de danza asombroso, aquí encontrará boletos para verlo. ¡Manténgase al día con nosotros! Facebook Twitter:

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50 pensamientos sobre “Muchachos de la camiseta | West End EN VIVO 2021

  1. Love Jersey Boys, I watch them every chance I get. Several historical inaccuracies: Four Seasons didn’t dance. Bass player was lefty. And he left in 1965, way before the movie depiction. But who cares, it’s all about the music, which is great.

  2. THIS is more like what we were expecting last night at their concert in Nottingham. BUT more play acting than music is what you get. Hope you enjoy the word F*****G because it crops up frequently !!

  3. Just returned from the Jersey Boy’s concert in Nottingham. Quite disappointed because they were relating Frankie Valli’s early life with tons of “f” word swearing and very very little music. When the occasional song was sung it became a cut down version and we were back into the overpowering lengthy play acting. 5 out of 10 and that’s being generous. I expected much more music.

  4. I’ve seen this show twice. And I loved it. I’m a big Motown fan, I’ve seen the Motown the musical. But I think that the Jersey boys is a much better show though

  5. adam bailey’s voice is absolutely mesmerising to watch! i watched jersey boys yesterday because i got rush tickets and wasn’t expecting to enjoy it, but it’s definitely one of my favourites now!

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