Resumen de los New Jersey Generals vs Michigan Panthers | USFL

Vea los aspectos más destacados cuando De’Andre Johnson llevó a los New Jersey Generals a la victoria 28-13 sobre los Michigan Panthers. De’Andre Johnson tuvo 180 yardas por aire y dos touchdowns. Darius Victor agregó 119 yardas totales y dos touchdowns. #USFL #NewJerseyGenerals #MichiganPanthers Descarga la aplicación gratuita FOX Bet Super 6: Dale me gusta a la USFL en Facebook: Sigue a la USFL en Twitter:

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28 pensamientos sobre “Resumen de los New Jersey Generals vs Michigan Panthers | USFL

  1. Love had a really bad second half. He was literally staring at open receivers, deciding against throwing to them, and then forcing the ball into bad windows

  2. @USFL That dark, lower res camera you kept cutting to during the game… Can you guys stop doing that, please? It looks awful. Not sure what the heck production was thinking with that one, but they need to have a meeting with whomever decided to do that and get that eliminated immediately. They just kept doing it over and over again, it was so bizarre.

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