Jugador de hockey no usará la camiseta del orgullo

Las tensiones aumentaron cuando el jugador de la NHL, Ivan Provorov, se negó a usar una camiseta con el tema del orgullo.

Camisetas de fútbol , NBA y NFL baratas de la mejor calidad y de los mejores equipos y selecciones del mundo de Hombre,Mujer y Niños.

41 pensamientos sobre “Jugador de hockey no usará la camiseta del orgullo

  1. I’m gay and honestly that’s fine… I feel like the lgbt activists tend to get a little too over reactive sometimes.. as long as this dudes isn’t going out killing queer people I’m totally cool with this ??

  2. people just dont understand that hockey is about money, not about goals. if NHL feels that take pride jersey is bad for their money, they will block them. its all. this is how west world work. i cant believe that you still talk or argue about it.

  3. This gay crap is infesting the country and slowly making everyone rebel against this lifestyle, this is got everyone talking and taking a stand against the sick perverted lifestyle!

  4. I love how we dont accept that provy is a person living his life through his own lense respectfully of others. Its crazy how gapped the double standard is now.

  5. I find it ironic that most of the people I've spoken with that defend players for not wearing pride jerseys are the same people that criticized athletes for taking a knee during the national anthems. I guess freedom has its limits depending on the narrative.

  6. Awsome. Huge respect for Ivan Provorov. It's not normal Men fucking Men, Women licking Women. Just not normal. Marriage is between Men and Women. Period !!! ❤❤❤

  7. When nfl football allowed and then promoted kneeling and protesting the American flag I decided not to participate by not watching NFL football games either in person or on television hoping others would do the same until this stopped and the head of the nfl apologizes to us and promises that as long he is at the helm this disrespectful conduct will not occur! Boycott hockey games in person AND watching on tv. Money talks to these owners. If you can’t do that at least boycott the teams promoting homosexuality. I have some gay friends, I don’t care if you are gay and I don’t want to be told that homosexual behavior is normal on every show I watch, every football game and I don’t want you telling me what pronouns I can use! Will gay men and women want actors saying “I’m straight” on every tv show and movie and football players wearing that slogan on their helmets?

  8. I don’t understand why people have become so obsessed with being ‘proud’ of their sexuality, rather than then own personal achievements?

  9. corporations love pandering to these little groups to divide us. ever since occupy wall Street everything has been about identity politics. we haven't had anything like OWS ….ever since it's just been fighting each other about racism, homophobism, sexism and even transphobic crap.

  10. You've done well my Brother in Christ Jesus… it's hard to do at times as for me I refuse to marry the one I truly loved '' there Christian although they follow something not right '' the dowry '' giving the amount of $$$ for her hand causes many '' Suicide abortion kidnaps and so on…. some pay 100k at India as for me it was 1200$ I would have refused even for 1 Penny because it contradicts his words '' in the past the women wasn't educated therefore they would give a cow or a goat or work for their father to show that she's gonna be in good hand '' all AFRICAN Christian hear my cries for the Lord is against it '' read Zachariah 11 for more info against this belief God bless you all

  11. I would mot wear that crap because I in now way support that twisted, perverted agenda. If my employer told us tomorrow that we had to wear that garbage one day; I’d simply refuse. I would not care if they chose to suspend me or discipline me in any way. That would not change my mind. There is no scenario that I can imagine where I would ever wear that garbage or support those it represents. I proudly oppose them period in all situations. Period.

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