Que comience el Cornhole ? Costa de New Jersey: vacaciones familiares

Cuando la familia viene a animar a Mike en la competencia de cornhole, el plan de Angelina puede terminar funcionando después de todo. Jersey Shore: Family Vacation es un Jerzdays completamente nuevo a las 8 p. m. en MTV. ¡Paramount+ está aquí! Transmita todos sus programas favoritos ahora en Paramount+. Pruébalo GRATIS en #JerseyShore #JSFamilyVacation #MTV Suscríbete a Jersey Shore: Ahora en YouTube TV: Todos tus momentos favoritos con Snooki, JWoww, Deena, Vinny, DJ Pauly D, Ronnie y The Situation. ¡SIGUE a la costa de Jersey! Instagram-Facebook-

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34 pensamientos sobre “Que comience el Cornhole ? Costa de New Jersey: vacaciones familiares

  1. The cheer thing is definitely giving off production wanted us to do this stupid cheer to try to make the show entertaining like they did with Forcing them to do the infamous speech

  2. If Mike sucks now he really can't blame it on anyone anymore. More importantly, isn't the result of this tournament already available? I mean if it was on tv, fans would have heard about it already no?

  3. If it was Angelina’s idea Nicole would’ve been criticizing her calling it stupid and annoying, Angelina is much more supportive and nice .

  4. I know that Lauren's is pregnant, but she wasn't at the tournament from what I can see. Did I miss something on a previous episode? I feel like she definitely wouldn't have missed out on this unless it was for a reason.

  5. All that hollering and Angelina's Dm'ing worked on Jay Cutler (which BTW Snooki told her to do). I knew it would but Mike always loved to blame all his BS on her. I know he wouldn't apologize but stay you Angie and let them keep eating crow. Keep being crazy and showing growth still. We love you always!!!

  6. Angelina is still crazy like me, but she seems like a nice woman.
    Angelina has changed in a positive way, she used to be annoying back then.

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