El jugador de la NHL se niega a usar la camiseta del orgullo

Ha estallado una gran controversia sobre el jugador de hockey de los Philadelphia Flyers, Ivan Provorov, porque se negó a usar la camiseta con la bandera del arcoíris antes del juego debido a sus creencias ruso-ortodoxas. Envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra «BEN» al 989898, o vaya a para obtener su kit de información GRATUITO, sin costo ni compromiso, MÁS una copia firmada de mi libro, «Cómo destruir Estados Unidos en 3 sencillos pasos». Obtenga más información sobre los reembolsos por innovación en Mire la parte exclusiva para miembros de mi programa en DailyWire+: ME GUSTA Y SUSCRÍBASE para ver videos nuevos todos los días. Mire el episodio completo aquí: Deje de dar su dinero a las corporaciones despertadas que lo odian. Consigue tus maquinillas de afeitar de Jeremy hoy en Coge tu merchandising de Ben Shapiro aquí: #BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #nhl #sportsnews #lgbtq #genderdysphoria #hockey #sports #pride #woke #culture #currentnews #gaypride #flyers #flyershockey

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20 pensamientos sobre “El jugador de la NHL se niega a usar la camiseta del orgullo

  1. I kinda understand why a TV host, or any person who gets their livelihood from publicity, has to try to keep the “loud audience” happy.

    Their real opinions are not public. Not in this case, or on any other case. Even their names are fake “media names”.

  2. Well coming from a old school military Veteran of Vietnam was a Security Specialist USAF our own Government has turned their back on God and Country from schools, business,our Churches.This Country was founded on Faith,God and Country by our Forefathers on the Bible.

  3. Even the true gays are fighting this trans movement from our government . Where are all the straight people to support this man and others like me ? Why are people so afraid to stand behind their faith and GOD ? Quit going to all these sports when they shove this shit down our throats .We have a voice and it is not to stand behind this shit .

  4. the NHL isn't falling for this crap. What happened to freedom of speech. This TV announcer should have his ass kicked and fired for not letting the player excercize his right. What an assholeeee.

  5. They demand respect but then give zero respect to anyone else. They certainly showed us Catholics a lot of hate with that horrid display in LA.

  6. They call individual liberty loving people fascists, but they're the ones saying, "Just put on the shirt.""Just do the thing.", That is the very core of fascism. The very meaning. Join our ideology or die/have your career ruined. That is fascism!!

  7. As we say in Spain, this Canadian guy seems to be a "bujarrón" undercover. I think all comments against Ivan Provorov should be… ("some" would say "banned" but we are not like them, we are free people) adequately responded. Just don't let them go unanswered. Please.
    And, about the MLK statue in Boston, I'd like to say that I kinda get the point but, at the same time, I don't. I mean, an embrace of two people, but without the people? Only the arms? Maybe the artist meant it to represent like, a global people embrace but then, why the rings? Why the pearls bracelet? No. I definitely don't get it. And I don't see a penis, either (well, I guess there's all kind of sizes and shapes of penises, and I've basically seen only one most of my life so, I don't think I have a say in that) But I definitely don't see anybody "going down" on anybody. My guess is, as it happened time and time again in the History of modern art, once people shake off this first moment of "shock", it'll ultimately blend and be accepted for what it is.

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