Dave Matthews Band – # 41 (En vivo desde Nueva Jersey, 1999)

Dave Matthews Band, «#41», Listener Supported, 1999 Escuche sus canciones favoritas de Dave Matthews Band: grabadas en vivo en el Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, NJ el 11/9/99 para el especial de PBS, «In The Spotlight». El concierto incluye más de 2 horas de canciones nuevas, éxitos clásicos, favoritos de los fans, como «Don’t Drink The Water», «Crash Into Me» y «#40», rara vez interpretada. ¡Vea el concierto completo ya disponible en YouTube! Siga a Dave Matthews Band: Spotify: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Sitio web: #DaveMatthewsBand #Rock #ListenerSupported

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31 pensamientos sobre “Dave Matthews Band – # 41 (En vivo desde Nueva Jersey, 1999)

  1. other people don't get it but for me, this song… this live version of #41… puts me in a place where there is absolutely nothing wrong with the world and regardless of who's next to me, we both feel better that the other one is there.

  2. Older sister died a couple years ago, don’t even know if this was her favorite song but she loved DMB for a time. Full grown man and want to cry like a little girl every time I listen to this. Miss her so much. This helps bring back the memories.

  3. My Dad was a big Dave Matthews Band fan when he was still with us. Owned their first 4 albums and played them to death and saw them a few times in concert. As a kid I found their music uncool but I’ve come to appreciate them more for their musical skill as I’ve gotten older and more open minded

  4. Everything I've ever loved about different kinds of music; combined into one amazing band. My older brother used to try to get me to listen to this years back when I was using. Needless to say I'm sober now and this is the best music I've honestly ever heard.

  5. I’d like to ask all of you something in a genuine that may relate to the song. I hope you hear me out because I’ve been reckoning with this question for many years. I feel strongly that I would fit in so well in the 60s through the 80s. I “came of age” though in the 90s. I feel awfully lonely as a person feeling like I was born at the wrong time. Is that just me?

  6. it literally blows my mind that this album is 24 years old! Listener Supported was the first DMB album I owned and 24 years later it still hits the same, if not better!

  7. Amazing in every possible way. I wanted to watch LeRoi, still a huge fan of his. This is it! Bravo to the violin guy. Wow!
    Still ❤ ya, LeRoi.

  8. my mom loves this band so much it’s funny. But because I love her so much as well I made my sports numbers all 41 just so she’s reminded every time she watches me play

  9. Bro, I’m 21 it’s 2023 and I didn’t skip a single second of this song the first time I watched it. While I can barely get through a 20 sec tik tok. This is one of the best performances I’ve heard from a band and live. Thank you Dave Matthews band.

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