DESAFÍO CORDWOOD: ¿Herramienta del consejo ‘Jersey’?

Pequeño video de mi reciente proyecto de modificación de un hacha de patrón de jersey Coincil tool de 3.5 lb.

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27 pensamientos sobre “DESAFÍO CORDWOOD: ¿Herramienta del consejo ‘Jersey’?

  1. Wow. It doesn't matter which axe – boys axe, tuatahi, basque, tasmanian…you just grab it and bury that thing all the way up the handle. I'm starting to think that good grind and proper technique can make almost any axe chop well ?thanks

  2. For the amount of time and energy you waste not to mention wood bucking it up with an axe just get a chainsaw then split it with the axe. Or if you are hell bent on no gas powered equipment then just use a bow saw. You'll waste a hell of a lot less wood, time and energy.

  3. Just bought a council jersey axe that was welded to a metal pipe right where the lugs are. I'm going to cut them out. And do this cool mod. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I've been wanting to do the lug delete on my council jersey and couldn't quite commit to it, but after seeing that axe I'm definitely doing it

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