Angelina Supercut: las peleas de compañeros de cuarto más dramáticas ? | Costa de New Jersey | mtv

Revive algunas de las peleas de compañeros de cuarto más dramáticas de Angelina en ‘Jersey Shore’ y ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation’. #JerseyShore #JSFamilyVacation #MTV Suscríbete a Jersey Shore: todos tus momentos favoritos con Snooki, JWoww, Deena, Vinny, DJ Pauly D, Ronnie y The Situation. Además, nuevas series originales como «Cooking in the Crib with Snooki & Joey» y «Moms with Attitude». ¡SIGUE a la costa de Jersey! Instagram-Facebook-

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23 pensamientos sobre “Angelina Supercut: las peleas de compañeros de cuarto más dramáticas ? | Costa de New Jersey | mtv

  1. Angelina to me never really fit in with the cast and honestly the only thing that changed about her was her face. She's still the same Angelina from 2009. She purposely starts drama 90 percent of the time. Then wonders why nobody likes her

  2. Imagine how beautifull they would be if they didn't get all the plastic surgeries. Or only got minor ones that was needed. They can't even show emotions on their face.

  3. I got mad with Vinny when Angelina compared herself to his mother; like girl doesn't have character or loyalty or anything but she somehow finds the audacity to say some off-the-wall crazy stuff

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