Hey everybody, hope you enjoy my collection as much as I do. listen to all the stories behind each jersey, every single jersey is special to me. As I grow my collection, I look forward to updating you guys.

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Las Camisetas de fútbol de adidas se encuentran entre las preferidas de muchos equipos. Descubre por qué visitando nuestra colección en la web.

47 pensamientos sobre “MY NFL JERSEY COLLECTION

  1. What an incredible collection. Thank you for sharing. I also collect game used jerseys. I like the “Sand-Knit” jerseys from the 70’s. They were really cool. I also appreciate the gamers from today. They are incredible as well. Take care.

  2. I watched you and your team the Indianapolis Colts go against the Minnesota Vikings it was crazy how you were beating them 33 zero and then they came back with a 39 to 36 You’re still did good on there on the field I’m proud of you I wanna be an NFL store like you one day that’s my dream to go to NFL

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