Nike's Running OUT Of Ideas For New NBA Jerseys ?

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48 pensamientos sobre “Nike's Running OUT Of Ideas For New NBA Jerseys ?

  1. I don’t get it. In the 90s/00s the NBA had some jerseys with lots of character. Look at the old raptors or warriors jerseys. Now it’s just the name, what in the world? I don’t even want to buy these new Jerseys. To think to even pay $150+ for that is just sad. They’re all heat-pressed too except the authentic ones

  2. All teams have their basic Home and Away Jersey which rarely change. But then each team has 3 alternative jersey's generally 'City', 'Classic', 'Statement' editions. These probably change so they can get more sales. It's like how phone companies release new phones every year with small changes

  3. They shouldn't change jerseys so much. There is no recall value like Manchester United red Chelsea blue are iconic. Lakers purple and gold were iconic too. Changing them every year is weird asf

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