It's a Jersey Thing Part 2 I South Park S14E09 – It's a Jersey Thing
Hi Guys,
Have you ever been in Jersey..? 🙂
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It’s a Jersey Thing
Kyle is from Jersey
Jersey News
Arnold Schwarzenegger in South Park
Randy calls to Osama Bin Laden
Randy BEATS UP a prisoner
Kyle saved Eric
… and don´t forget to have a lot of FUN and a great day! 🙂
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Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep
Episode was playing in my head for no reason
america: I'm stick of you damn Jersey's
uk: why can't you essex be f#@king normal like everyone else
Damn. Jersey is the Birth place of KARENS.
Truly the best moment of Sheila, sticking up for her friend
I was always put off by Sharon’s appearance.
Bro, NJ parties are so wild. That's probably why I became a person who doesn't like parties. The parties I attended all had fights in it.
For once I actually like Sheila. 🙂
The chick takes off her top in the hot tub and the dude hits her ?
Karens ACT a MF fool jersey style
My respect for Mrs. Broflovski went way up after this episode
" MUFF CABBAGE!!!!" ??
Tuesday in line at the grocery store ….fml
Since I live in Jersey now, and Jersey Shore is so old hat, I don't mind the stereotype so much. I wish KARMA for Matt and Trey.
Everyone from Jersey knows a Theresa. And has a family member that needs a shave or electrolysis .. lol
I hate New Jersey about as bad as I hate New York and most of the East coast
Jewish women arent psycho, they're Jewish.
0:39 1:02
This is like romanians and bulgarians in the uk
Dude this is the most fkn hilarious episode ever of anything ???
So are jersey folks the US equivalent to gypsies in Europe ?
You cannot say CABBAGE anymore on YOUTUBE.
0:38 i feel like this is how a lot of chicks look nowadays, a bucket of paint on their face, push broom brisles glued to their eye lids, sharpie'd on eyebrows and dont forget their own fat asses injected into their lips so much that they look like homer simpson
Kyle's mom being a bitch saved the day.
Lol kyles mom
Sometimes Sheila is a bad ass
I know almost every word of this episode as it is probably one of my favorites. S Swol Tiddy-Bang aka Shelia is not to be messed with. She is the biggest B-word in the whole wide world, according to Cartman.
Im very embarrassed to admit this but i miss the jersey shore days. Im not even into reality shows and ive always found the jersey shore people extremely stupid and annoying but it was airing when i moved to the USA and i had a such a fun time that this show stuck with me. Good times
Did she say your cabbage at the end ???
¡you’re CABBAGE!
That was the greatest thing I've ever seen!
Jersey women are scary.
Aah back when they focused on other families and not just the Marsh family (mainly Randy). Don't get me wrong it's funny, but this is always appreciated.
Kylés mum ! Absolument fabuleux
This is how I feel about people from one subcontinent and one continent
If Jersey is anything like it is in South Park then it's just London in America, just less rude but more like a "reality" show
All the obvious jokes and comedy aside, I like how Theresa, despite being…well, who she is, didn't really judge Sharon for how she looked (normal compared to the rest of them) and even told her to "get her!", referring to the other woman she was fighting with, implying not only did she accept her distinct (normal) looks, but also fully trusted her and accepted her as one of them, which is even more heartwarming, knowing they had quarreled the day before
yoa cabbage :lips:
“You’re cabbage ?”
I’m positive this is a top ten, maybe even top five SP episode. Guido Kyle says enough ?
Shelia Broflovski
It's a Florida thing…?
A windbag is easy to deflate.
Now that I think about it Jersey is somewhat like Ireland in terms of drinking
Gotta love the combo of Real Housewives of New Jersey, Jerseylicious, and Jersey Shore ?????