Did You Know Batman Is From New Jersey? #dccomics #shorts

Did You Know Batman Is From New Jersey? #dccomics #shorts

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43 pensamientos sobre “Did You Know Batman Is From New Jersey? #dccomics #shorts

  1. Bullshit, Gotham can't be in new Jersey because there's already a new Jersey in the dcu, it's bluudhaven and it has the same dynamic with Gotham that new Jersey has with nyc, so, Gotham is the dcus nyc and bluudhaven is the dcus new Jersey, and obviously metropolis is Washington dc, star city is like la or smt, and so on

  2. You are absolutely correct. Newark, NJ is the location. You can compare pictures of Downtown Newark to the background in Joker after the “accident.” You will notice the exact same stores.

  3. Gotham feels more like Baltimore to me. Maybe north near the Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania borders. Trust me.. that feels like a world of its own, vaguely within the United States.

  4. Tbh it doesn’t matter where it is dc has a lot of inconsistencies whether it’s supposed to be Jersey or New York at the end of the day if you look at it from all sides Gotham is a mix of a lot of different mid-Atlantic cities so it’s partially New York and partially Jersey it’s a mix there’s only in between’s it’s not one specific place.

  5. That’s wild. I’ve always imagined it as being around Pittsburgh- since Dark Knight was filmed there, and I see why. Some areas there really do look like Gotham.

  6. There's only 1 BATMAN.
    Im tired of this WOKE/ DEI ?. Nothing was wrong with how things have been. It just a bunvh of green haird people cried. Who don't even read these comics. You want a BLACK BATMAN. Call him The Bat or something.
    DC was hoping he would take kver as the main BATMAN, but since sales have fallen, they changed their minds. Same deal with the son of SUPERMAN making him BI SEXUAL and hoping he would take over for main SUPERMAN. JUST DROP all of this.

  7. In the show, “Titans”, there was a flashback scene where a car in Gotham had a New York license plate. Although later in the series, when they actually go to Gotham, there were custom Gotham plates.

  8. I always thought it was a stand in for Detroit because it was stated in a study once that Detroit had the highest crime rate, however I just looked this up but apparently St Louis, MO has the highest crime rate
    I think that Detroit once was called the most dangerous city to live in

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