Sammi comienza su viaje de FIV | Jersey Shore: Vacaciones familiares

Sammi se sincera sobre su deseo de formar una familia y revela que tiene endometriosis, lo que hace que quedar embarazada sea mucho más difícil para ella. Para obtener información útil y recursos sobre FIV, embarazo, fertilidad y más, visite ¡Paramount+ ya está aquí! Transmita todos sus programas favoritos ahora en Paramount+. Pruébelo GRATIS en #JerseyShore #JSFamilyVacation #MTV Suscríbase a Jersey Shore: ahora en YouTube TV: todos sus momentos favoritos con Snooki, JWoww, Deena, Vinny, DJ Pauly D, Ronnie y The Situation. ¡SIGA a Jersey Shore! Instagram – Facebook –

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35 pensamientos sobre “Sammi comienza su viaje de FIV | Jersey Shore: Vacaciones familiares

  1. It’s funny to think that four kids and one kid is a lot today in the U.S. My husband comes from a traditional Muslim middle eastern family. On average they have five to seven kids each in their family. My grandpa was italian and Portuguese, the youngest of 8 siblings. Women are now choosing to be child free or happy to just have one. We’re actually having kids less now than those before us. It’s not judgement, just an observation.

  2. I feel so bad for Sammi because Endometriosis is no joke and I was told that I wasn't supposed to have any children because I had endometriosis so bad that I had no choice but to get a total hysterectomy done when I was 23 years old and that was 20 years ago. I hope and pray for Sammi to be able to have a child she will make a great mother. ❤❤❤

  3. Mike comes in hot to the meatball party. There is a real cliffhanger. I wonder if they will have a blind taste test to determine the meatball champion. Mike looked so angry. I think he was in a defensive mood.

  4. My daughter just had a baby…no husband no commitment says with boyfriend on & off boyfriend over two years….no commitment no ring he was not excited with her being pregnant I am so upset with her disappointed she made no family she made problems…sure a baby is cute and all but not as cute as coming with a little family of her own…more siblings…cousins…family…my daughter lost get married first then plan your family.

  5. Fertility struggles are so difficult… You truly have no idea what it is like until you're going through it yourself. I had 2 miscarriages and haven't been able to get pregnant since and I never thought it would impact me like this. It is challenging especially when you see people around you getting pregnant with no issue.

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