El primer intento de Jersey Jerry de romper los 100

Después de pasar unos días en la carretera jugando al golf con Jersey Jerry, está claro que le encanta el juego. Está empezando a tomárselo más en serio y busca mejorar. No hay mejor forma de hacerlo que empezar una serie Breaking 100 para hacerse responsable. Ya no hay dónde esconderse, ¡el viaje de Jerry hacia Breaking 100 comienza hoy! Como siempre, muchas gracias a nuestra empresa de automóviles favorita del mundo, Chevy. Visita para crear tu propia marca y obtener más información. Echa un vistazo a nuestra mercancía aquí: Descarga la aplicación Barstool Golf Time: Nos hemos asociado con SKLZ, la marca líder en entrenamiento de habilidades deportivas, para desarrollar ayudas de entrenamiento de golf de marca compartida que te ayuden a mejorar tu juego. Ahora disponible en Golf Galaxy y en tiendas seleccionadas de Dick's Sporting Goods House of Sport. #BarstoolSports #ForePlayPodcast #BarstoolGolf Sigue el podcast Fore Play aquí: Podcast: Twitter:

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34 pensamientos sobre “El primer intento de Jersey Jerry de romper los 100

  1. Totally agree being an actual good golfer is very hard. But no way in hell is this harder than being an nfl qb or hitting a 92mph 2 seam or cutter, bruh😂 golf doesn't have someone actively making your life harder while you do your task either.

  2. The moment you guys stopped for food I knew things were going to go south. Once you get on a hot streak like that you just got to power through it. Great game. Looking forward to seeing the next episode.

  3. I think what’s causing Jerry to have sporadic accuracy is his head movement. Could just be me and I’ve only been playing for just over a year, but I think he’s picking his head up and looking too soon.

    Maybe put a penny down or leaf in front of the ball to focus on so he doesn’t peak or pick his head up so much.

  4. Jerry seriously needs to figure it out. Never in my life have I seen such a mental midget. The dude was within 40 strokes with six holes left to play and then hangs at 12 on hole 15 three straight drives as duffs because you were thinking about a hotdog you seriously need to figure it out, bro. Immediately stopped watching a video after that that’s pitiful.

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