Jersey Shore: Vacaciones familiares | Sammi llora por su experiencia con la FIV (exclusiva)

Sammi «Sweetheart» Giancola, de 37 años, deja que las cámaras se adentren en su proceso de fertilidad en «Jersey Shore: Family Vacation», que se transmite los jueves (también conocido como Jerzdays) en MTV. La estrella de reality se emociona al comenzar los tratamientos de FIV, se sincera sobre su lucha contra la endometriosis y lo difícil que ha sido concebir de forma natural con su prometido Justin May. También comparte su miedo de no poder gestar su propio hijo. Para obtener información útil y recursos sobre la FIV, el embarazo, la fertilidad y más, visite

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24 pensamientos sobre “Jersey Shore: Vacaciones familiares | Sammi llora por su experiencia con la FIV (exclusiva)

  1. I mean a lot of couples use ivf and it still doesn’t work …I don’t know why people never think of adopting. I’ve thought of it now at 36 im same with her on the way to be 37 but I have kids want another one but have scaring in my uterus as well.. so it’s pretty impossible for me to do it.. so maybe I’ll adopt or foster a child that needs a home.

  2. Everyone is telling her to slow down its her life ultimately and her having a condition probably makes her more anxious to start the process because she doesn't know how long it will actually take

  3. ❤ Cheer up, Sammy! I think you need to relax and not think so much about getting pregnant. Get married for your emotional well-being. It doesn't have to be a big wedding, it can be just you and your boyfriend. You also give your child legal rights. I'm 40 years old and I really want to be a mother, but if I don't, it's just a matter of God and the universe. There are many ways to be a mother and you have the possibility. Good luck 🍀

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