La Guardia Costera de EE. UU. rescata a un navegante en la estación de socorro Manasquan Inlet, Nueva Jersey, 27/09/24
Aproximadamente a las 9:30 a. m., la USCG recibió una llamada de socorro de un barco cerca de Mantoloking afirmando que se había quedado sin energía y se estaba hundiendo en la playa. Un barco cercano del buen samaritano fue el primero en llegar al lugar y observó que la persona a bordo estaba bien y había echado anclas y había configurado su motor de pesca por curricán para mantener su posición lo mejor posible para no varar su barco. Poco después llegó el MLB de 47 pies de la estación Manasquan Inlet y se comunicó con el capitán sobre cómo iban a remolcar el barco fuera de las olas. Después de un par de intentos de tirar una línea de remolque, finalmente pudieron sujetarla al barco en peligro. El viento sostenido y las condiciones de oleaje no ayudaron, ya que desplazaron el barco y la línea y el cable de remolque ahora estaba enrollado alrededor de la hélice y el barco. Poco después, el capitán, con la ayuda de la USCG, pudo enderezar la línea justo cuando el barco se sumergía en las olas… Luego, la MLB lo remolcó a aguas más profundas y mantuvo la línea de remolque en su lugar debido a las condiciones del mar. Lo remolcaron de regreso a los muelles de combustible de Manasquan Inlet. No se reportaron heridos. #huracán #uscg #paseo en bote #rescate
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what a joke ! is this the Iranian navy ? dude needs to sell that boat and get a fish tank !
The coast guard always tells them to put on a life jacket. What took so long?
Retired 25 year puddle pirate here….. without armchair qb'ing the coxswain, nonetheless this was all cringeworthy. Starting with all the missed heaving line tosses (there's a technique that apparently isnt getting taught anymore) all the way to the civilian moron. Unless you knew for sure it was an experienced mariner, we always kept it simple for 5 year olds and absolutely didn't rely on them for anything if we didn't have to. This should not have taken as long as it did. I imagine the coxswain wasn't thrilled to see this case posted to YouTube….. sorry boats.
Daddy’s boat and a surfer dude with a 75 IQ. Get off the water permanently.
everyone is blaming cc he should have never cut the anchor until the cc had tension on the line
Jesus why does fuckin everything have to be on video these days. Everything is blown out of proportion for the sake of views. drop the anchor and wait for the tow rope.
So many armchair quarterbacks…. Commenters should listen and learn from the CG coxswains. This was a success and the CG crew no doubt had a useful debrief.
All the gear and no idea
Too many people, including those on the CC boat do not belong out there.
Honestly don't know who's more incompetent here
They would have had him out of there a lot sooner if the guy would have simply done what the Coast Guard told him to do in the first place.
They must’ve been hired by Joe Biden
Did drunk guys steal a Coast Guard boat
I’m never calling the Coast Guard. They’re doofuses
Why didn’t the down East pull him out?
Total incompetence by everyone involved
What a s**t show. I bet the bow cleat nrioped out before they made it to the dock.
This is the most painful thing I’ve watched in a long time 😮
It just looks like none of them have ever done anything remotely like this before!
What a cluster F**k. Aren't there any seaman anymore?
More dollars then sense
Somebody, the guy that should know, needs a lot more training. Sorry to see the CG represented this way. Owner is lucky he didn't lose his boat.
This video shows why cannabis should not be smoked on a boat. And I'm talking to both boats here.