CÓMO secuestraron la camiseta de fútbol de Brasil | Catar 2022

Para los fanáticos del fútbol de todo el mundo, la icónica camiseta amarilla y verde de Brasil ha representado durante mucho tiempo algunos de los momentos más hermosos del hermoso juego. La camiseta de la Seleção se ha convertido en mucho más que un uniforme. Pero eso también lo ha convertido en un objetivo. Desde magnates del marketing hasta movimientos políticos, muchos han utilizado las imágenes de la camiseta para su propio beneficio. Esta es la historia de una de las camisetas más legendarias del deporte y cómo fue secuestrada. Informe: Hecko Flores Editar: Markus Mörtz ـــــ DW Kick Off! le brinda una visión única del juego que ha cautivado a millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo. Exploramos historias de fútbol que van desde la cultura de los fanáticos, los grandes momentos deportivos, el análisis táctico y la política detrás del juego. ¡Suscríbete y adéntrate en el mundo del fútbol con DW Kick Off! ▸ suscríbete: ▸ ayúdanos a crear subtítulos: ▸ nuestro canal: Más historias de fútbol aquí: Facebook: Twitter:

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Compra online la Camisetas de fútbol! En JD encontrarás las del FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, la selección de España y equipos internacionales.

39 pensamientos sobre “CÓMO secuestraron la camiseta de fútbol de Brasil | Catar 2022

  1. This is soo lame. If your national symbol is used by one political section and you have problems with it is because the other section isn't using it. If both the sections start using it it wouldn't be a problem. Changing a political symbol just for the sake of it is the real problem because it will only deepen the scar into a deeper crevice.

  2. Bolsonaro supporters now gave up wearing the shirt because they don't want to be mistaken for football fans. We the fans are wearing it again now, they switched to black. We won!

  3. As a Brazilian, I think is too late to recover the yellow shirt. It was associated with hate, denialism and ignorance. We still support the national team, but with different colors. White, black and blue. To the world cup, I just bought a blue shirt. ????

  4. Kindly explain why the Bolsonaro party is labeled FAR right and yet the opposite side is not FAR left…? What makes it FAR right now just left and right…? Isn't that term creating division and hatred…?? Kindly explain this language

  5. I come from a family & neighbourhood where whenever it comes to be the matter of international soccer game – Brazil is the ultimate team love & all neighbourhood was, still & will remain faithful supporters for the Seleção.

    Particularly for me, the cemented reason to be their faithful supporter was 2002 world cup winning performance. A golden memory of my childhood.

    Love from Bangladesh ? ? ❤❤.

  6. Excellent documentary! It could express all love and hate history with one of the great identity national symbols: our "amarelinha" little yellow t-shirt. ????????❤️ Thank you for that

  7. Nice video, just to add something, the guy at 13:25 he can say some beautiful words, but don't take him for a good person, when Neymar showed his support to Bolsonaro, he's the first one to scrutnize him for it, he only thinks his side is right, anyone that doesn't think like him is wrong in his head

  8. Yeah.. since Bolsonaro lost, his supporters are blocking roads, protesting in front of military quarters, asking for an "intervation", all wearing the national team jersey. It became da asshole jersey. We need a new one.

  9. Que lixo de matéria, totalmente enviesada, infelizmente estamos vivendo a era do globalismo e essas instituições querem nos empurrar goela abaixo o comunismo/progressismo. Essas pessoas que falam que a camisa amarela da seleção perdeu o significado só mostra que nunca foram patriotas, fazem questão de vestir o vermelho enquanto entregam o país na mão dos estrangeiros. Minha camisa nunca será vermelha, sempre será verde e amarela, podem reclamar o quanto for!

  10. i'm Indian national and the yellow jersey gives goosebumps. Brazil is one of the greatest of all time football country. They are magicians and not just one or two, almost all the international players from Brazil are recognized for how great they play.

  11. What a bunch of crap, the only thing kidnapped was our freedom by the leftist communist party who created the biggest financial scam of all time. They have their own red communist shirt and most of Brazilian demand that we weren’t never became “red” because our colors are yellow, blue green and white ( flag colors). Obviously as usual the main global media twisted things for they own benefit (their global agenda) I can’t wait to see the face of all socialist around the planet when China takes over.

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