Leones, Tigres, Osos Y Guidos ?Jersey Shore: Vacaciones Familiares
¡En su viaje a San Diego, la familia se dirige a un santuario de vida silvestre! Incluso llegan a conocer a un compañero albóndiga en el reino animal. Jersey Shore Family Vacation es un Jerzdays completamente nuevo a las 8p en MTV. ¡Paramount+ está aquí! Transmita todos sus programas favoritos ahora en Paramount+. Pruébalo GRATIS en #JerseyShore #JSFamilyVacation #MTV Suscríbete a Jersey Shore: Ahora en YouTube TV: Todos tus momentos favoritos con Snooki, JWoww, Deena, Vinny, DJ Pauly D, Ronnie y The Situation. ¡SIGUE a la costa de Jersey! Instagram-Facebook-
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K the Yasmin Maritn boyfriend giovany my yasmin and I are
That white Tiger looks very beautiful!
Angelina is a predator smh. He’s 19 and she’s in her 30s…
Meatball has been the best thing this whole season ?
I‘m 21 and I don’t even date 19 year old guys ??
It’s so cool that they went to a sanctuary to help out the animals versus the zoo
The lady was not here for Angelina's stupid remarks…"ok raise the stick."
No seatbelts?
0:46 you lot are mad and bad for editing the clip like that. She's wearing white herself ? what kind of mockumentary is this??????????
So Cute
The fact that they do family vacations and Gianni is never there
I get sick when I see Angelina. She's so fake.
Why did she get scared that it was white ????
Did she say allegally or illegally?
The sitch is clearly in pain wearing them tight pants lol
I kinda wish Snooki did not scream @2:36 when she saw the bear because screaming might scare the poor animals.
They are all beautiful and gorgeous animals.
Dope caption ??
Yall know about 90% of the industry preys on children right? Just look at all those Disney Channel and nick kids that grew being abused while working for the industry….
How do I watch all these episodes they did stuck on season 2 of family vacation
The editors on this one ??
“Look at the tiger.”
Bruh huhhhh