Alcalde de Nueva Jersey renuncia por preocupaciones de seguridad

La alcaldesa de Sayreville, Victoria Kilpatrick, citó como factor una amenaza enviada después de que la concejal Eunice Dwumfour fuera asesinada. Informa Valerie Castro de NBC News. » Suscríbase a NBC News: » Vea más videos de NBC: NBC News Digital es una colección de marcas de noticias innovadoras y poderosas que brindan noticias convincentes, diversas y atractivas. NBC News Digital presenta,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline y las aplicaciones y extensiones digitales existentes de estas respectivas propiedades. Brindamos lo mejor en noticias de última hora, cobertura de video en vivo, periodismo original y segmentos de sus programas de noticias de NBC favoritos. ¡Conéctese con NBC News en línea! Aplicación NBC News: Alertas de noticias de última hora: Visite NBCNews.Com: Busque NBC News en Facebook: Siga NBC News en Twitter: Obtenga más noticias de NBC en su bandeja de entrada: #NewJersey #Alcalde #Crime

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22 pensamientos sobre “Alcalde de Nueva Jersey renuncia por preocupaciones de seguridad

  1. Our government is getting more corrupt and more like organized crime, so what do you expect? If you aren't on the right hand of God, you can more than expect to be hit with the left.

  2. I know violence is never the answer, but why doesn't the mayor buy a gun to defend her daughter's and herself when she's outside the home? And my condolences to her colleagues family for their loss.

  3. What is the mayor afraid of for her not to seek reelection for the murder of her fellow Council person? There Has to be more to the story. A true leader would not be scared to be stepping down from being a mayor of a small town. There is something more going on than meets the eye that we are not being told or know about yet. Now I’m not saying that the mayor has anything to do with the shooting of her fellow council member at all. I’m not insinuating that. It just seems odd to me. I hope they catch who ever killed the council lady in this case, and bring them to Justice to find out what is actually happening.

  4. So this is how it is? We let the MAGA terrorists win? I go to war for this country, 9 years of my life fighting terrorists and yet here they are in my own back yard, we need to label MAGA for who they are domestic terrorists and treat them as such.

  5. No elected city official should have to put up with this. I don't blame her, but we have many officials who are terrified. Everyone walking around packing heat and with no restrictions. How many of
    our Mayors and other elected officials should have to step down out of fear for their lives? From Oakland CA

  6. I don’t know why anyone would want to be in politics anyway. The idea of representing and “serving” a nation of idiots seems repulsive. Americans are historically stupid, and there are easier and more noble ways to make money.

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