Angelina Meets Her Biological Dad ? Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

The moment is finally here. In an unexpected twist of events, Angelina meets some new family members—and most importantly, her dad. Jersey Shore Family Vacation is all-new Thursdays at 8p on MTV!

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38 pensamientos sobre “Angelina Meets Her Biological Dad ? Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

  1. Angelina, I'm pretty sure your sister knew about your wealth the entire time. Watch out for her. Your father has bad intentions. The way he said what he said about your career and money is a red flag.

  2. It's easy to ignore red flags in the beginning when the relationship is new and we don't want to jump to the wrong conclusion about someone or we don't want to seem paranoid. But, your inuition is your warning bell going off. Never ignore it or make excuses for feeling that way of something's not right or weird about a person or a situation.

  3. Why was he on his phone when Ang was talking with him. I didn't like the fact that he was asking inappropriate questions about her money. At least her stepfather didn't go after her when she became famous.

  4. I know MTV edits to make things look a certain way but that was awkward. He knew about the 1st show but didn't know she was on it? I find that hard to believe. Asked her what connections she has. Makes a comment about her making the big bucks & he wishes he could afford a Rolex. What parent looks at their childs success & says I wish I could afford that smh. He was def scoping her worth! That was a how valuable are u to us interview on his end.

    I find it hard to believe her dad & his fam didn't Google her prior to coming on tv. Are u in? Yes we are in! Of course they are cuz he saw her as valuable smh. My dad would never say I wish I could afford something I can that he can't. Quite the opposite he would be my biggest cheerleader. He never said things like I'm proud of how far u have come & all of your success. I'm proud you found a way to get through the ups downs in life, have a career ( she's an EMT too) have a career on tv, gone through all u have & turn out to be an independent successful woman who can afford nice things- as your dad that makes me so proud. No instead he acted like her jealous sibling. As parents our goal is to raise good successful humans who do do better than us. If he was truly there for her & his love for her he would of asked more normal ques, not size her up & be proud of her success & accomplishments w/o him instead of envying. Money connections etc. should of never been a topic the 1st time meeting. That should tell her the kind of man he is. They see her as a way to help them achieve the same success/money. Who takes a pic & makes it a point to look at the watch someone is wearing smh. For her I hope it works out but he seemed like someone looking for a come up through his daughter & her career.

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